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并与15家航空公司定有特约运价。And 15 airlines will have special tariffs.

允许签约方对已达成协议的运价保密。Allows parties to keep the negotiated rate confidential.

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允许承运人合法地收取已达成协议的,非运价本运价。Allows a carrier to lawfully charge a negotiated, non-tariff rate.

以日本邮船会社为靠山的运输公司谴责运价下跌,收益下滑。NYK-backed carrier blames decision on pricing decline, falling yields.

必须包括托运人货量承诺,承运人运价和服务承诺。Must include shipper cargo commitment and carrier rate and serice commitments.

中国出口集装箱运价指数一直受到国际航运界的关注。China Container Freight Index has been regarded by international maritime trade realm.

作为衡量世界干散货航运价格的指标,波罗的海干散货运价指数持续下跌。The Baltic Exchange Dry index, which measures the cost of dry bulk shipping, continued to drop.

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运价面临的压力还包括高昂的燃料价格、不佳的水流状况以及强烈的北运需求。Also pressuring rates is the high cost of fuel, low water conditions, and strong northbound demand.

您所支付的票价,是以我们的运价规则和客票上所列明的运输为依据的。The fare you have paid is based upon our Tariff and is for the transportation as shown on the Ticket.

与船公司和报关行的长期稳定合作保证了我们的优势运价和低风险操作。The shipping company customs brokers long-term stable cooperative ensured our advantage rate low risk operation.

本月价格几乎每个周都在频繁地变动,所以我们是建议出货前单票确认运价。Prices keep floating weekly in this month so we suggest confirming the freight charge for each order before shipment.

NOL把亏损归咎于运价的滞后,因为现在沿用的还是在经济危机时期签订的合同。NOL blamed the loss on a lag in rate improvements because it was still operating contracts signed during the recession.

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船舶营运中,船舶经营人以期租方式将船租给承运人时,运价的确定是租船合同中一项重要的内容。House Bank" is a new mode of house tenancy, in which the rent income in free-rent period is the primary revenue source."

在清算关系上,国铁与合资铁路的运价政策和环境也并不一致。In terms of liquidation price, the freight rate and environment are different between co-financed and state-owned lines.

我们还在美加线、欧地线等许多航线上与更多的船公司有协议运价。We have service contracts with some more other shipping lines on North America, Europe and Mediterraneans service lanes.

争取有效控制铁路运价和服务的鼓动工作,早在进步运动之前几十年就已开始。Agitation for effective public control of railroad rates and services antedated the progressive movement by several decades.

因此如何掌握市场运价之变化,实乃经营海岬型船之关键所在。Consequently, the key factor in operating Capsize vessels is to forecast the fluctuations in freight rates and charter hires.

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承运人所使用的运价本中的条款以及有关费收的其他要求等项,已被载入本提单。The terms of the Carrier's applicable Tariff and other requirements regarding charges are incorporated into this Bill of Lading.

当新行程的始发航段运价组有更改,新行程的价格将以改票当天的票价为准。When the first fare component is changed, the itinerary must be re-priced using fares in effect on the date the ticket is reissued.

当始发段运价组有更改时,更改后的行程应以最新的票价为准重新计算差价。When the outbound fare component is changed. The itinerary must be re-priced using fares in effect on the date the ticket is reissued.