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基本上讲你就是个刺头。You are basically a prick.

一个脚趾头掉了下来,落在她掌中就好像一个玫瑰刺头。A toe falls off and lies like the tip of a rose thorn on her palm.

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史蒂夫是我们学校有名的刺头学生。Steve was famous for being one of the more popular kids in school.

目的研究砂蓝刺头地上部分的化学成分。Objective To study the chemical components of the aerial parts of Echinops gmelini Turcz.

这个远近闻名的“刺头兵”让领导们又爱又恨。This far and near is famed " the arms that poke a head " let leaders love to be hated again again.

拥有一头短发,你可有许多种发型,例如刺头,帆船头,把头发梳的高高的一绺,或者贴脸式。With short hair, you could do many hairstyles like spikes, high and tight, clipper cut and face as well.

然而,那些购买了绿色商品的学生甚至远比那些在普通商店购物的学生表现得刺头。However, those who had actually made green purchases were far stingier than even the conventional shoppers.

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他们才是真正的罪人,因为他们使工人变成了当今工业的刺头。These are the real culprits, because they are the ones who make labour such a prickly pear in industry today.

针对油压钳制水刺头结构复杂、油缸易漏油等缺点,设计开发了水压钳制水刺头,并对密封条的快换机构等进行了分析。The water pressure suppresses and the water stabs head is developed, and quick-change organization of the seal is analysised.

因为巴拉拉当时刚刚被哈佛大学录取,她提醒他,学校的创办人兰尼可能会写信给哈佛大学,给他扣上刺头的帽子。He had just been accepted to Harvard, and Ranney, she cautioned, could easily write the school a letter labeling him a troublemaker.

阿森纳正在准备与富勒姆的联赛,他们的目标是踩在热刺头上直接进军下赛季欧冠小组赛。Arsenal prepare for their last Premier League match against the Europa League finalists Fulham aiming to secure third place ahead of Tottenham.

两个朋友在墨西哥发现了奇怪的魔方装置并且打开了这个魔方装置,将被封住的地狱鬼魂刺头是释放了出来。Two friends in Mexico found strange rubik"s cube device and open the rubik"s cube device, will be shut the hell of ghosts tartar is released out.

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结论头穴脉冲磁针治疗急性脑梗死的作用等同于常规针刺头穴的治疗,优于静磁针的头穴治疗。Conclusion Pulse magnetic acupuncture and routine acupuncture at scalp acupoints have same therapeutic effect on acute cerebral infarction, which is superior to that of static magnetic acupuncture.