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而到了夏末,连信天翁都离开了小岛。In late summer even the albatrosses left.

信天翁使用风来帮助他们飞。Albatrosses use the wind to help them fly.

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但是飞行不全是靠按钮和图表,小信天翁。It ain't all buttons and charts, little albatross.

繁殖中心有大约140只皇家信天翁。There are about 140 royal albatrosses on the colony.

其实,我是保护信天翁从这个猫头鹰!Actually, I was protecting the albatrosses from this owl!

在阳光笼罩下了一只黑色信天翁俯视着金港。A light- mantled sooty albatross looks down on Gold Harbour.

低飞是鹈鹕和信天翁的事,你学这干什么?Why can’t you leave low flying to the pelicans, the albatross?

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我花时间观察信天翁是在加拉帕戈斯。I spent hours watching the albatross in the Galapagos hang out.

带上眼镜之后,看上去像信天翁似的,如果没有人愿意和我做朋友该怎么办呢?What if I look like a goonie bird and no one wants to be my friend?

信天翁总是被延绳钓的诱饵所吸引,从而被布满诱饵的绳子缠绕溺死。The albatrosses try to eat the bait and get dragged down and drowned.

然后我想起我的朋友信天翁,笑了片刻。Then I thought of my friend the albatross, and I smiled for a moment.

数千只黑褐色的信天翁栖息在遥远的福克兰岛上,三三两两,无拘无束。Black-browed albatrosses nest by the thousands in the remote Falkland Islands.

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而且我们告诉信天翁被认为是美国最古老的自由飞行的鸟。And we tell about an albatross thought to be America's oldest free-flying bird.

信天翁是二零零一年的大型海鸟在夏威夷繁殖的种之一。An albatross is one of twenty-one kinds of large sea birds that reproduce in Hawaii.

有白黑羽毛的黑背信天翁,并未因为这次的灾难而灭种。The white-and-black feathered Laysan albatross is not in danger of becoming extinct.

繁殖中心现有大约140只皇家信天翁,这种大鸟展开双翅时可有10英尺长。There are about 140 royal albatrosses on the colony with wingspans of nearly 10 feet.

看看这只被发现已经死亡的信天翁海鸟身体里面有些什么,它的身体中充满塑料。Look at what's inside this albatross of seabird, found dead, plastics filled its body.

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这个三平方公里的区域生活着世界上最大的飞行禽类,信天翁。This three-square-mile area is home to the albatross, the world’s largest flying bird.

任何一艘横度太平洋的轮船都会有一种小信天翁伴随飞行许多天。Any shi that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross.

任何一艘横度太平洋的轮船都会有一种小信天翁伴随飞行许多天。Any ship that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross.