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然而,一入秋天便风云突变。By autumn, however, clouds appeared unexpectedly.

然而,比赛最后10分钟风云突变。However, the final 10 minutes mutation situation.

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这是阿拉伯世界中最可期待的时刻,也是最风云突变的时刻。This is a moment of great promise — and great risk — in the Arab world.

看起来这是个爱情故事,但是如罗斯说,爱情会风云突变。It looked like a love story. But love, as she said, could turn on a sixpence.

风云突变的商海中,大多数美国人认为谦虚就是软弱的标志。Most Americans in the fast business world consider humility a sign of weakness.

2007年,美国经济这艘巨轮的航程开始风云突变。IN 2007, the great ship of the American economy began encountering darkening skies.

尽管时尚潮流总是风云突变,但是动物风潮的热度显然还未退去。Fashion changes dramatically, but the animal craze apparently is still not going away.

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但现在风云突变,市中心即将迎来一个新房供应的高潮期。But now situation changes, the city is about to enter a new house supply climax period.

但是,到了周五风云突变,原有的决定被推翻,大坝建造工程上马在即。But by Friday the decision had been overturned, paving the way for the dam's construction.

但是风云突变,正当全国楼市热度稍降的时候,深圳房价却全线飘红。But situation changes when the national property market heat followed when prices are all described in Shenzhen.

为什么在国际风云突变的2008年黑人领袖才终于赢得了走向权力顶峰的机遇?Why in the international situation of the mutation in 2008 black leaders finally won the power to the summit of the opportunity?

但是风云突变,这回是兽类看上去要赢了,蝙蝠匆忙而飞速地离开鸟群奔向了兽类。But things changed soon. Now it seemed that the beasts were winning. So the bat left the birds in a hurry and went over to the beasts.

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1998年以来,国际经济形势风云突变,导致我国鞋类出口总量骤然下降。Since 1998, wind and cloud of international economic situation is choppy, bring about our country shoe kind exit gross drops abruptly.

金融危机席卷全球,大牛市一去不见踪迹,国内投资者刹那间领略风云突变的威力。The financial crisis sweeping the globe, to no trace of a bull market, domestic investors enjoy the instant power of sudden situation.

赶点的高峰的时候,犹如脱缰的烈性“疯牛”般的飞快,风云突变的情况那简直是家常便饭了。At rush hours, they appear dreadfully quick just like crazy bulls getting rid of reins—sudden changes in situations are outright common occurrences.

金融市场的风云突变让很多商业杂志、网站、报纸、电视台等拥有了大量24小时守候消息的观众和读者.Fresh drama in a rapidly changing story has guaranteed large, 24-hour audiences for business magazines, websites, newspapers and television channels.

但下半场风云突变,第63分钟,比蒂再次接沃特森角球头球攻破韦弗把守的大门,查尔顿0比1落后。But the situation mutation in the second half, 63 minutes, then Watson again Bitti corner header break the door guarded by Weaver, Charlton 0 to 1 behind.

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面对风云突变的经济环境,证券研究机构四季度纷纷对预测业绩进行了修正。In the face of mutation of the economic situation, securities research institutes in the fourth quarter are forecast for the performance of the amendment.

探索太空中心是访客中心最近的一次扩建,于去年十二月迎来了第一批游客,本来一切都朝着既定目标前进,但没料到风云突变。This is partly a product of unfortunate timing. Exploration Space, the most recent addition to the visitor’s center, welcomed its first guests in December.

记者日前了解到,近期国际果汁市场风云突变,陕西果业遭遇巨大冲击。Recently, this reporter learned that the recent international market situation fruit mutation, Shaanxi experienced the tremendous impact of the fruit industry.