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不要主观臆断某项任务已经圆满完成。Don't assume the mission is accomplished.

永远不要主观臆断,因为那会使你我成为蠢驴。Never assume, for it makes an ASS out of U and ME.

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整个计划只是建立在他的主观臆断上。The whole plan is based on merely his own supposition.

停止你的主观臆断,一切都会很好。In the absence of your judgment, everything would be fine.

在这种类型里,对于自由意志的臆断是最强烈的。The assumption of free will is strongest in this category.

可是这句古老格言”美丽是主观臆断的“的潜台词是错误的。But the subtext of that old saw , that beauty is arbitrary , is wrong.

疑义的存在应坚持客观存在,不能主观臆断。Doubt the existence of objective reality should insist, not subjective.

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我轻易地臆断大多数人会质疑我的年龄,由此也会质疑我的建议。I simply assumed most people would question my age, and thus, my advice.

审视自己的用词,判断你的标准是主观臆断的还是公正合理的。Define your terms and examine whether your standards are arbitrary or fair.

很抱歉地说,您主观臆断,曲解了我文章的原意。I am sorry if you have misunderstood my message by subjective interpretation.

你不能以主观臆断作为你的论据。You should not rest your argument upon subjective and groundless conclusions.

但是这给了我们一个例子,让我们知道对数据的臆断,能给我们带来怎样的麻烦。But it's just an example of, how much trouble you can get into by extrapolating.

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试图主观臆断的劝说其他人如何生活是极度的偏见和错误。It’s incredibly prejudiced and wrong, trying to tell people how to live their lives.

报告这些偶合病状可能导致不适当的恐惧和主观臆断。The reporting of such coincidental conditions can lead to undue fears and allegations.

任何不完全切合实际的比较都有可能被当作主观臆断。Any comparison that is not strictly factual runs the risk of being interpreted as subjective.

这取决于执行官有多么坚持主观臆断而非相信客观事实。It's just a matter of how stubborn executives are with regard to preferring subjectivity over objectivity.

克莱顿解释道,当描述一个犯罪现场时,无关紧要和臆断的观点是非常有害的。Mr. Clayton explains that in crime scene investigation, opinions don't matter and assumptions are harmful.

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对讲述者来说,真正重要的是,这个故事要有人去倾听——不要打断,不要臆断,也不要去评价。What matters to the storyteller is that the story is heard – without interruption, assumption or judgment.

美国国防部的臆断似乎是美国空军和海军在太平洋地区仍然保持着舒适的领导地位。The SECDEF’s assumption seems to be US air and naval forces still maintain a comfortable lead in the Pacific.

本病例入院臆断为阻塞性肠道缺血。A case of small bowel volvulus was admitted with the clinical impression of acute occlusive intestinal ischemia.