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她演得太做作。She overdoes her acting.

她在相机前摆出做作的姿势。She postured before the camera.

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我讨厌这种肤浅,虚伪的做作。I hate such shallow false pretences.

这名歌手做作的样子令我厌烦。This singer's affectation annoyed me.

这很险恶?真的只是矫揉做作?Is it vicious? Hontou wa Just precious?

而且没有一点做作的地方。But without a little affectations place.

我不喜欢她做作的行为。I dislike the affectation of her action.

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你是个好人,毫不做作。You are the real good man and unfeigned.

你看到的东西是实实在在的,没有虚伪做作。What you see is what you get, no pretense.

整个场面就像手势字谜游戏那样矫饰做作。the whole scene was as unreal as a charade.

他的演技给我的印象是有点做作。He was somewhat ashamed of his own unseemliness.

不过她喜欢他那自然不做作的举止But she liked his natural manner and informality.

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一感动,就难免包含演戏和做作的成分了。If not, there must be playacting and affectation.

态度和语言的做作只是矫饰而已。Affections of manner and speech are mere frippery.

他的朋友厌烦了他虚伪的做作。His friends were tired of all his phony dramatics.

爱情是尊重事实,并且不做作。Love is respecting the truth and never pretending.

我知道这听起来有点做作,但的确有效。I know this sounds new age and hokey, but it works.

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真确认识他的人不会责备他矫揉做作。No one who knew him would tax him with affectation.

态度和语言的做作只是俗丽服饰而已。Affectations of manner and speech are mere frippery.

大大提高了我做作也的效率。Greatly improve the efficiency of the I affectation.