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请关上水龙草头。Please close the tap.

水龙草头一整夜滴水。The water tap drips all night long.

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马厩已用水龙管冲洗过。The stables were sluiced out whit water from a hose.

水龙捲在六月和七月最常见。Waterspouts are most commonly seen in June and July.

当地的居民纷纷打开花园里的水龙管,将参战者和战场冲洗干净。The'. ' end and Bunol residents uncoiled garden hoses to spray down '.

有时归入水龙骨科或珠蕨科。Polypodiaceae A family of terrestrial or epiphytic leptosporangiate ferns.

水龙兽长得很像现代野猪,有个猪鼻子,还有一对小獠牙。Lystrosaurus looked like a modern wild boar , a pig nose, and a pair of small Fangs.

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最后,冷凝水经过过滤后由管子通到冰箱或者厨房的水龙头里。Finally, it is filtered and passed through a pipe to the owner's fridge or kitchen tap.

本月,热浪无情袭击华盛顿特区,当地居民说必须要有消防水龙头来为华盛顿特区降温了。An open fire hydrant cools off a Washington, D.C., resident during a heat wave this month.

也许水龙兽能够挖洞和冬眠,从而帮助它们度过了地球上最恶劣的时期。Lystrosaurus may be Wadong and dormant , to help them tide over the Earth The worst period.

介绍了浙江水龙骨科植物的地理分布及区系特征。The geographical distribution and floral feature of the Polypodiaceae in Zhejiang was described.

好在还有灯光,但破裂的管道和消防水龙喷出的水布满了楼梯。The lights stayed on, but the lower stairs were filled with water from burst pipes and sprinklers.

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纺织材料制的水龙软管及类似的管子,不论有无其他材料作衬里、护套或附件。Textile hosepiping and similar textile tubing, with or without lining, armour or accessories of other materials.

作为中华民族象征和标志的龙,在粤东客家地区表现为各种各样的龙俗,其中影响最大的是风水龙俗。Dragon as a symbol and sign of the Chinese nation, is behaved various dragon customs in eastern Guangdong Hakka area.

云南东南部和越南北部是水龙骨科星蕨亚科植物的多样性中心。The area from southeastern Yunnan to Northern Vietnam is the diversity center of Polypodiaceae subfam. Microsoroideae.

孢子外覆有盾形罩套的鳞毛蕨科或水龙骨科的蕨类植物。Any of various ferns of the genera dryopteris or polystichum or lastreopsis having somewhat shield-shaped coverings on the sori.

中国药典中骨碎补项下收载的品种为水龙骨科植物槲蕨的干燥根茎。The species recorded on the "Rhizoma Drynariae" item of Chinese Pharmacopeia is the dry rhizoma of Drynaria fortunei from Polypodiacae.

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水龙骨科隐子蕨亚科植物的起源中心可能在亚洲热带地区,但其分化中心则可能在云南西北部至喜马拉雅地区。The original center of the subfam, may be in tropical Asia, whereas its differential center is found in both Northwest Yunnan and the Himalayas.

一个铅笔状的气体流从柱体两端射出一头扎入周围的气体中,就像用消防水龙喷一堵沙墙。A pencil-like streamer of gas shoots out in both directions from the pillar and plows into surrounding gas like a fire hose hitting a wall of sand.

采用室内试验和现场观测相结合的方式,进一步探讨了黄花水龙对富营养化水体中氮磷的去除效果。The removal effects of Jussiaea stipulacea Ohwi on nitrogen and phosphorus in eutrophic water were further studied in indoor experiment, as well as in field observation.