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那个消息在城里传得沸沸扬扬.The town was buzzing with the news.

有一种传的沸沸扬扬的说法是找到一个类似地球的星球。A term that's often kicked around is finding an Earth-analog.

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有时候,可能不用吵吵闹闹、沸沸扬扬的就可以完成改革。Reform is sometimes possible without clamour and controversy.

近日,北京高考状元李泰伯被美国11所高校拒绝,被媒体炒得沸沸扬扬。It seems that the news of Li being rejected by 11 of the best U.

然而选票操纵的说法传得沸沸扬扬,这使得卡尔扎伊的名声更加糟糕。But the claims of widespread ballot-rigging are tainting him further.

最近几天,这项争议再度被电视台和广播炒得沸沸扬扬。In recent days the issue has been fired up again by television and radio.

彼特要娶爱丽斯这件事还没发布,却已传得沸沸扬扬。That Peter will marry Alice, which has not been announced yet, has spread around.

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最近章子怡的“捐款门”事件在网上炒得沸沸扬扬,一发不可收拾。These days the Donation Affairs about Zhang Ziyi has been heatedly debated online.

最近,广东地产界对今年房价走向日益沸沸扬扬。Recently, Canton real estate sector towards increasing prices for this year seething.

这条消息证明,那些在香港艺术圈小范围内被传得沸沸扬扬的谣言是真实的。The news confirms rumors that were swirling in Hong Kong's relatively small art scene.

在今年初秋一场沸沸扬扬的大规模离职中,约有70名员工辞职。In a well-publicized exodus earlier this autumn, nearly 70 business employees resigned.

“事情已经闹得沸沸扬扬,在这种情况下,说明自己这一方的情况非常重要,”萨尔皮特说。"In a high profile situation, it's important to put your own spin on it, " says Salpeter.

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杨昌明也对在网络上被炒得沸沸扬扬的“艾滋病传言”进行了回应。Yang Changming also lot of heated discussions on the network's "AIDS rumors" for a response.

关于诺基亚N81的传言沸沸扬扬已有些时日,如今它的详细参数浮出了水面。Nokia N81 cell phone, which the rumor has been around for quite some time, now the specs are out.

人们互相握手,也不管跟谁在握手,并且大家沸沸扬扬地乱喊一些毫不连贯的话。Men were shaking hands, it did not matter with whom, and bubbling over in a general incoherent Babel.

帽子和手套在空中乱飞,大家不知道在跟谁握手,沸沸扬扬乱喊一气。Men were shaking hands, it did not matter with whom, and bubbling over in a general incoherent babel.

但是,当莫妮卡·莱温斯基的丑闻沸沸扬扬时,金里奇潇洒地摆脱了曾困扰他的揭发。But when the Monica Lewinsky scandal rolled around, Gingrich happily threw in his lot with the impeachers.

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一时间,有关二手房交易税的是是非非被炒得沸沸扬扬。For a time, the second-hand housing transactions tax controversies surrounding this subject in seething hot.

虽然在国外闹得沸沸扬扬,但该组织在国内的影响已经几乎看不到了。In contrast to the clamor it has caused abroad, the organization's influence is almost indiscernible in China.

当此次事件在芝加哥媒体上炒得沸沸扬扬的时候,西北大学起初是支持贝利教授的。As the incident gained notoriety in the Chicago media, Northwestern University initially supported Prof. Bailey.