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他弄明白了环状珊瑚岛是怎么形成的,为什么他们是热带植物。He figured out how atolls form, and why they’re tropical.

环状珊瑚岛和珊瑚礁由石珊瑚的骨骼形成。Atolls and coral reefs from the stony coral skeleton form.

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大部分的珊瑚岛都集中在太平洋地区。Most of the world's coral islands are in the Pacific Ocean.

达尔文在那些地方第一次见到了珊瑚和珊瑚岛。There, Darwin saw coral and coral islands for the first time.

在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。In the ebb, the part of the formation of coral atolls surface.

在地势低平的珊瑚岛或环礁上没有这种螺。These snails do not occur on low-lying coral islands or atolls.

它是包括法属波利尼西亚在内的118个岛屿和环状珊瑚岛中最大的一个。It is the largest of the 118 islands and atolls that comprise French Polynesia.

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尽管有些不愉快的经历,当然,我们还会在入住珊瑚岛酒店。We would certainly stay on Coral Island again, despite the negative experiences.

在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁露出水面形成珊瑚岛。In Luo Chao, a portion of the formation of coral reefs are above the surface Island.

珊瑚岛首先由早期的毛利人踏足。此后在1874年,在该岛发现黄金。Coal Island was visited first by the early Maori. In addition, gold was discovered in 1874.

1943年二战期间,美军强迫从日本手中夺取塔拉瓦岛和环状珊瑚岛的控制权。In 1943, during World War Two, US forces seized control of Tarawa and Makin atolls from the Japanese.

这26个环状珊瑚岛包围着各具特色的1192个小岛,组成了马尔代夫的版图,其中大约200个岛都是有人居住的。The 26 atolls encompasses a territory featuring 1,192 islands, roughly 200 of which are inhabited by people.

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一自治英属殖民地,由大约300个珊瑚岛组成,位于好望角东南的大西洋中。A self-governing British colony comprising about 300 coral islands in the Atlantic Ocean southeast of Cape Hatteras.

对于一个由珊瑚岛组成的国家来说,海平面上升和更严重的气候现象赫然耸现,威胁着我国的所有居民。For a coral atoll nation, sea level rise and more severe weather events loom as a growing threat to our entire population.

小说描写了三个少年在南太平洋珊瑚岛上的经历。The story opens with the shipwreck on a Pacific Island of the young friends Ralph Rover and Jack Martin and Peterkin Gray.

同时,他们彻底地统计、标记并测量了12个珊瑚岛上的蜥蜴。The scientists kept six other control cays predator-free and exhaustively counted, marked, and measured lizards on all 12 isles.

海平面持续升高的威胁可能会给住在该国九个海拔极低的珊瑚岛上的一万多居民带来灭顶之灾。The threat of sea level rise may bring complete disaster to the 10,000 Tuvaluans residing on nine extremely low-lying coral atolls.

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海平面持续升高的威胁可能会给住在该国九个海拔极低的珊瑚岛上的一万多居民带来灭顶之灾。The threat of sea level rise may bring complete disaster to the 10, 000 Tuvaluans residing on nine extremely low-lying coral atolls.

明天的天儿应该会好转,一旦好转,我们充满渴望的队伍将返回到珊瑚岛完成他们的使命。The weather should start improving tomorrow, and as soon as it does, our eager team will return to Coal Island to complete their task.

珊瑚岛海附近变化的步骤,曲线部的爪哇升起和新几内亚加罗林群岛板块的突然的变化。In step with the Coral Sea changes and the rising of the curve just below Java are sudden changes in the Caroline Plate above New Guinea.