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一旦盐份融会,会留下灰白色的物质,这就是碳酸钾。Once the salts melt, a gray-white substance is left. This is potash.

它拔取物理的办法,融会双面的导电线路拆开。It uses the methods in physics, electrical transfixion double-sided circuit connection.

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新加坡融会了东、西文化的精髓,无种族歧视,是国际学生首选的留学国家。These factors make Singapore an attractive country for students who wish to study abroad.

要是情形云云,那么行星X就正在吞并融会地球的磁场,形成一个单一的磁场。If this is the case then Planet X is subsuming the Earth's magnetic field, forming a single field.

他将起居饮食、生活琐事与自己的人生经历巧妙地融会于散文中,显得生趣盎然。He blends the details of daily life and the experiences of his own into his essays, making them exuberant.

多种巨细时,我们的黄金加添波纹珠是由上一铜的焦点融会一十四克拉金牌。Available in several sizes, our gold-filled corrugated beads are composed of 14kt gold fused onto a brass core.

这是国际写作专业与城市舞蹈团第二年联手举行这种将文字、音乐和舞蹈融会一堂的晚会。This is the second year that the IWP has joined the CityDance Ensemble in an evening of words, music and dance.

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不同的肤色,不同的语言,不同的文化因为同一个梦想、同一个理念在这里聚首、在这里融会。Different complexions , languages and cultures gather and blend here amazingly because of one dream and concept.

将爱国主义教育融会于旅游专业教学中,激发学生热爱祖国的热情。Education in patriotism should merge into tourism teaching to inspire the students' ardent love for our country.

他在注意吸取西方文化和融会菲律宾本土文化的同时,仍在一定程度上保留了华族文化的独立性。Mixing the Western culture with the Philippine one, the author to a certain extent, maintains the Chinese culture.

恢宏的建筑、古老的宅院、整洁的公园融会了现代技术和风尚。Grand architecture, historic homesteads and immaculate parks intermingle with the technology and style of modern life.

巴蜀文化共同体的形成与发展,经历了长期接触、交流与融会的过程。The formation and development of Ba-shu cultural community underwent a long process of contact, exchange and mingling.

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对此张信哲表示,自己一直是京剧迷,希望这次京剧与流行的相融会带来一种微妙的和谐。Zhang Xinzhe has said he has been a Peking Opera fans, hope that the blending of pop and opera will have a delicate harmony.

中国文化之江流,只有融会到世界先进文化的的大海中去,方有进取求新的希望。Chinese culture Jiang Liu, is only incorporated into the world's advanced culture of the sea to go aggressive side novelty of hope.

由此可以窥见加拿大多元文化的特点,个人习惯的点滴融会于文化传统中,二者混合交织,发展繁盛。This is part of Canada's inherent multiculturalism where individual nuances and cultural traditions blend in messy, blossoming ways.

同样的,它是前进了一步。在解决社会问题”,自由和不平等的融会在现代共和国。Similarly, it was a step forward in solving the "social question", the reconciliation of liberty and inequality in the modern republic.

清王朝建立初期,文化方面面临著矛盾与融会接纳的发展趋势。It faced the developing tendency of contradiction and harmonious admission in culture during the initial foundation of the Qing Dynasty.

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高端人才与先进技术的融会集成,把我院铸就为敢打敢拼、善战能胜的精英团队。The integration of high-end talents with advanced technology has built the institute into an elite team of constant courage and victory.

由于它地位显要,因而中国传统文化的诸多方面都受到它的影响而与之交融会通。On account of its prominent position, it has been influencing various aspects of traditional Chinese culture and fusing with these aspects.

文学作为思维,具有广阔无垠的全息思维视域和融会一切思维方式的统合力。Literature, as a kind of human thinking, has a broad and limitless holographic field of vision and the ability to integrate all human thinking.