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但PTZ发布招标后,传闻不攻自破。But PTZ issue a tender, dispel speculation.

这种谣言在事实面前将不攻自破。Facts will eventually scotch these rumours.

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虚与实,时间以验之,流蜚不攻自破也。Virtual reality, and the time to check, flow well exposed.

但是在周四,这些传闻可能就会不攻自破。But on Thursday, the rumors are expected to meet a swift death.

它可以改变材料的压路机和搜集材料不攻自破。It can change material roller and collect materials automatically.

当了解这个道理的时候,这面墙常常会不攻自破。And when you discover that, the wall itself often comes crumbling down before you.

他们吃的就是这个,俾斯麦预言道,巴黎城就将不攻自破And so they have this-- and Bismarck had predicted that the siege the whole thing would be over.

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这也使那些认为政党领导人必须出名才能使政党发扬光大的错误想法不攻自破。This debunks the belief that a political leader needs to be well-known in order for a party to grow.

这一事件也令瑞银和此行业先前宣称此类事件已成过去的说法不攻自破.And it undermines claims by the Swiss bank and the industry that such events are a thing of the past.

如果外国海军观摩中国海军,了解实情,这种怀疑就会不攻自破。The suspicions would disappear if foreign counterparts could visit the Chinese navy and know about the true situation.

如果服务器证书中的通用名是与证书的其余部分一起验证的,那么这种攻击就不攻自破了,对么?If the common name on the server certificate is verified along with the rest of the certificate, the attack is defeated, right?

在我军对马一春进行惩罚性打击后,主动撤回阵地,其阴谋不攻自破。Be in after my army undertakes to Ma Yichun the gender is hit castigatory, recall actively position, its plot collapse of itself.

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但艺术有足够的能力去吸纳和承重这些改变,以此让那些“末世耀眼”不攻自破。But the arts also have a remarkable ability to withstand and absorb those changes, and to prove wrong the prophecies of their demise.

易价网刚换了一次机房和ip,收录数的访问数反而有了提高,谣言也不攻自破。Btw, easy price net just changed computer room and Ip, the visit number that collects number had instead rise, rumor also collapse of itself.

他对康德哲学的解释是错误的,他在坚持自然主义时预设了反自然主义的立场,因而罗蒂的哲学是不攻自破的。His interpretation of Kant's philosophy is incorrect, and when he defends his naturalism, he has presupposed an anti-naturalistic starting point.

对两家银行来说,这不仅说明了他们已挣脱了2009年整个下半年的亏损状况,而且使之前的利润是通过作假帐获得的猜疑不攻自破。For both lenders, this marked a break from losses across the second half of 2009, as well as doubts about earlier profits driven by accounting manoeuvres.

阿民在今晚表现的就像以前一样突出也顺利带领球队以9-2击败水手,也让一些怀疑他在红袜的系列赛前状况已经走下坡的谣言不攻自破。Wang would pitch so well that it did not make much difference who played as the Yankees beat the Mariners, 9-2, to squelch any talk of a post-Red Sox series letdown.

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上大学之后,那些中学里学到的“真理”就会不攻自破了。我希望你们在大学里能有超棒的几年经历。High school, and university for that matter, is what you make of it, and after debunking these negative myths from high school, I wish you have the best university years to come.

由于小贝表明自己永远也不愿和自己严父一样的阿列克斯·弗格森爵士以及他带领的曼彻斯特联队为敌之后,最近四处风传说贝克汉姆将会重返英格兰超级联赛的谣言也就不攻自破了。Recent rumors linking him with a return to the Premier League were squashed after Beckham made it clear he couldn't imagine lining up against Sir Alex Ferguson and Manchester United.