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她仪态万方地走进屋子。She sailed into the room.

这位女士仪态万方地走进了饭店。The lady sailed into the restaurant.

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詹妮仪态万方,吸引了在场所有男人的注意。Janet carried herself gracefully and attracted all the men present.

轮回的磨难与最终的圆满是最华美的仪态万方。Samsara's suffering and ultimate consummation is the most beautiful stately.

“她永远仪态万方,但从来不装模作样。”设计师这样描述自己的客户。"She's always a lady, but she never gives a damn, " says the designer of her customer.

因为猫仪态万方,爱猫的人谈及时尚的时候便有了优势。Because cats are graceful and elegant, cat people have the advantage when it comes to style.

她既非弱不经风的名嫒淑女,又非仪态万方的大家闰秀,而是一个来自平民的孤苦无靠的少女。She was not the one who appeared in all her glory but was a girl who came from the populace.

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我神魂颠倒顺便他短黑发他仪态万方的头从布满这种活力。I was also smitten by the way his short black hair bristled from his well-shaped head with such vitality.

特别是唐代石雕造像,造型优雅,丰满健美,仪态万方,“万物皆备于我”的气度风范,令人心驰神往。Especially in the Tang Dynasty stone statues, elegant, full fitness, graceful, "All things are in me, " bearing style, is fascinated.

生就一副将来会出落得仪态万方的身材,眼睛透着天真的智慧,她是美国中等阶级的一个典型少女。Possessed of a figure promising eventual shapeliness and an eye alight with certain native intelligence, she was a fair example of the middle American class.

洛阳牡丹之所以能出名中外,是由于它们形大鲜美、仪态万方、色香俱全、冠绝群芳、国色天香,并且俱有很高的欣赏价值。Luoyang Peony is able to world-famous, because they form a large delicious, graceful, Aromatic taste, Guanjue masses, Exquisite Beauty, and all have high ornamental value.

那极具个性特质的优雅气质依然,那仪态万方的翩翩风度依然,只是一张端庄秀气的脸上多了些深沉、淡定。She is still extremely elegant with the characteristic individuality, still handsome with graceful demeanor, and only the expression on her delicate face is more deep and calm.