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下边是一条线索。Here’s a clue.

这是一个线索。That's a clue.

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这可能是个线索。It may be a clue.

但他也透露了一点线索。But he did provide one clue.

但这些线索又说明什么呢?But what do these clues mean?

线索就在李敖的亨格力·豪斯里面。There's a clue at Leo's house.

这些提示线索会使你产生饥饿感。And these cues generate hunger.

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丹和菲菲会给大家提供线索。Dan and Feifei will clue you in!

没有人向我们提供解开这个奥秘的线索。Nobody clued us to this mystery.

你可以给我提供一些有关那件事的线索吗?Can you give me some track to it?

这里有其它的线索,鲍姆补充道。There are other clues, adds Baum.

现在他的遗孀掌握了他的线索。And now his widow owned his clues.

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在象形图中视觉线索是关键。Visual cues are key in pictograms.

斯芬尼克斯给俄狄浦斯线索了吗?。Did the Sphinx give Oedipus a clue?

最重要的线索就是你能量的来源。A big clue is your source of energy.

警察忙着寻找线索。The police ferreted about for clues.

他偶然发现了那秘密的线索。He happened on a clue to the mystery.

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我鼓励你顺着这条线索再走走。I encourage you to follow that thread.

我每天阅读上百条新闻线索。I read hundreds of news sources a day.

这个问题我们一开始并没有线索。In this case, we at first had no clue.