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公共领域正在着魔,有人死亡了。The public realm goes potty and people die.

在人生中还有像成就一样如此令人着魔的东西吗?Is there anything in life so disenchanting as attainment?

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切尔西的抢断再一次在着魔的观众前闪光。Yet again, Chelsea's steel glinted in front of a rapt audience.

焦虑的思考机器总是让人着魔。The thought machine of the anxious person gets carried away easily.

你是施了怎样的魔法驱我每每着魔?What kind of magic is yours that enchants me more and more each time?

在美国,彩票这个令人着魔的概率游戏,自这个国家建立之日即已存在。America's fascination with the game of chance is as old as the nation itself.

原来处女的珍贵性是由地上和空中一切着魔的事物吸取来的。From all enchanted things of earth and air, this preciousness has been drawn.

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四方街向每一个游客倾诉着魔幻般的梦。The old Square Street tells every visitor a magic dream with its unique style.

他挥舞着魔棒,为他的朋友们创造出一个独特的宏大的世界。He sways his magic wand and creates a unique and immense world for his friends.

有时候,我们会着魔于积累这些心头好,沉溺于对其保养护理。Sometimes their accumulation becomes our obsession and their maintenance becomes our passion.

为了从这些所谓的“着魔孩子”中得到拯救,许多家庭都求助于吉娜妈妈。For salvation from these so called "witch children", many families turn to people like Mama Gena.

利用变身的法术和魔法,狐狸常常附身人的灵魂,让人着魔。Using the art of metamorphosis and magic, the fox often engaged in spiritual possession of people.

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他的日记令他为之着魔,但最终成为他恢复力量的困扰。His own journals told him what he had once possessed and it became his obsession to regain that power.

最近,德拉很关注自己某些方面的特殊食欲,包括对黄瓜沙拉的的着魔。Currently, De La Garza is concentrating on her cravings, which include an obsession with cucumber salad.

在那个阳光明媚的日子,我怀着兴奋的心情进入了那遍布刚性轮廓的灰白世界,就在那里充满了令我着魔的机器。It was a fine, bright day and I was thrilled to enter a sharp-edged gray world full of enticing machinery.

尽管它的样子令人厌恶,安东尼奥斯却着魔般的一直带着这把弓,好像被它的影响力所掌控恐吓着一样。Despite its repulsive state, Antonius compulsively kept the bow close to him, as if in fear of its influence.

手里拿着魔棒,嘴里念着“浮起来”它就浮起来了,这是绝对不可能的,不过现实中是有好些方法可以让它浮起来。It can't be done by saying "Leviosa"and pointing your magic stick, but there are several real ways to levitate.

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他像着魔似地练琴,全神贯注于键盘,那劲头就像同年龄的孩子们渴望一勺冰淇淋一样。He practiced like a fiend1, focusing on the keys the way other children his age focused on a scoop of ice cream.

当他驶进林荫道,经过童山宅第的石门时,犹如进入一座因着魔而陷入沉睡状态的古旧城堡似的。He rode up the avenue to the stone gates of the house, feeling as though it were the enchanted, sleeping castle.

他继续谈论着魔鬼,谈论着奴隶们的巫术,还有其他国家魔鬼附身的事例。He went on talking about the devil, about voodoo amongst the slaves and cases of possession in other parts of the world.