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他是一个宇航员。He is a spaceman.

我将成为宇航员。I will be an astronaut.

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宇航员都吃些什么?What do astronauts eat?

你是个忍者宇航员。You’re a Ninja Astronaut.

我想成一名宇航员。I want to be an astronaut.

宇航员做运动。The spaceman plays sports.

首位中国宇航员太空漫游。First taikonaut space walk.

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后来他成为了一名中国宇航员。Then he became a taikonaut.

宇航员要到哪里去?Where is the spaceman going?

宇航员在地球上方的自拍像Astronaut Self-shot Over Earth

大概我将成为一位宇航员。Maybe I'll become an astronaut.

那么,为什么要成为一名宇航员呢?So why become an astronaut at all?

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宇航员听到一声震耳的轰响。The astronauts heard a loud noise.

宇航员必须穿航天服。Astronauts have to wear a spacesuit.

苏联宇航员讲俄语。The Soviet cosmonauts spoke Russian.

宇航员博奇喜欢玩一种游戏。Astronaut Bursch liked to play a game.

宇航员使用刀、叉和匙。Astronauts use knife, fork, and spoon.

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我希望长大以后当个宇航员。I wish I am a spaceman when I grow up!

是的,我想过成为一个宇航员。Yes, I have wanted to be an astronaut.

一枚火箭把一名宇航员送入太空。A rocket blasted a spaceman into space.