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我们来查一下曝光表。Let's have a look at the exposure meter.

另外还带有一个装曝光表的盒子。And there's an exposure meter in a case attached.

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我的摄影机里的曝光表好像出缺点了。Something seems wrong with the light meter in my camera.

曝光表只是在起步阶段使用而已。The light meter is only meant to be used as as starting place.

业余天文学家必须参照曝光表而不能光靠感觉。The amateur astronomer must consult the exposure meter and not rely on his senses.

如果你嘱不准曝光时间,最好查一下曝光表。You'd better consult the exposure meter if you be not sure of the time for exposure.

如果你吃不准曝光时间,最好查一下曝光表。You'd better consult the exposure meter if you're not sure of the time for exposure.

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如果你拿不准曝光时间,最好查一下曝光表。You'd better consult the exposure meter if you are not sure of the time for exposure.

如果你算不准曝光时间,最好查一下曝光表。You 'd better consult the exposure meter if you are not sure of the time for exposure.

对于广角拍摄,使用相机的曝光表来决定正确的自然光曝光。For wide angle, use the camera's light meter to determine a good ambient light setting.

北极光在自然界的模式。一个长曝光表明星的踪迹在红色和绿色的极光之后在加拿大的西北地区。A long exposure shows star trails behind a red-and-green aurora in Canada's Northwest Territories.

曝光表通常在取景框或者LCD屏幕的下方显示,具体取决于你的相机。The light meter is usually located on the bottom of the viewfinder or LCD screen, depending on which you use to compose your image.

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由于在广角情况下,光线从不同角度射入,曝光表显示的是中间范围的曝光值。Since the light varies throughout most wide angle scenes, take meter readings against an area that represents the mid-range of exposure in your scene.

但是,水下的光线捉摸不定,你相机的曝光表的读书往往与你拍摄的相片不对应或者与你在取景框中看到的不一样。However, light can be tricky underwater and what your camera's light meter thinks is the correct exposure doesn't always result in the image you envisioned or what you see in your viewfinder.