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我们只象征性地付一点租金。We only pay a nominal rent.

你应该先定好租金。You should first fix the rent.

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租金是一个月1500令吉。The rental is RM1500 per month.

银行拒付并退回她的租金支票。The bank bounced her rent cheque.

旺角的租金非常昂贵。Rent in Mongkok is very expensive.

她骗去了我的租金。She has diddled me out of the rent.

他们骗去了我的租金!They've diddled me out of the rent!

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打字机的租金是多少?What is the rent for a type-writer?

这套公寓的租金是多少?What‘s the rent for this apartment?

一辆大众牌汽车每天租金20欧元。Een Volkswagen kost 20 euro per dag.

租金一项就占去他一半的收入。The rent gobbles up half his earnings.

方将不支付任何保证金、租金或磨损费用。Caution money , rental or cost of wear.

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我要签十二个月的租金吗?Do I have to sign a twelve-month lease?

他拖欠了六个星期的租金。He is six week In arrear with his rent.

结果就是他们付不起租金,But they can't afford to pay their rent,

他拖欠了六个星期的租金。He is six weeks in arrear with his rent.

他把马车租金给了马车夫。He paid the carriage hire to the driver.

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他们的财产被扣押以抵偿租金。Their goods were distrained upon for rent.

双卧室公寓租金多少?What are the rates on 2-bedroom apartments?

政府同意租借请求,租期为999年,并象征性收取租金。It was given 999 years at a peppercorn rent.