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我休第一梯次,你休第二梯次。I will take a break first, and you do second.

八月的数个早上,另一梯次的活动是粘土立体故事书制作。Another group made a cute set of clay story books, during our morning classes.

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精英组为第一梯次,比赛放行后,攻势一波接著一波,每个车队都想先冲出重围。First elite group, when race start. So many attack, each team wants break away.

再者,为了充分利用地热水,提出了地热梯次利用方案。Furthermore, in order to make full use of geothermal water, it provides cascade utilization program.

通过网络的弹性架构和业务的梯次累加更好的实现政府危机决策支持系统。Network's stretch built and operation's gradual add are put forward as the feasible method of system.

我们全家都热切的期待接待下一梯次的国际教室学生。If given the opportunity I would very much like to host another international world classroom student.

且可采用梯次启动方式启动压缩机,而使浪涌电流更小。It features adjustable refrigerating amount, small start surge current and short waiting time for continuous start.

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由此显示,东部、中部和西部地域高等教育范围扩铺对GDP增加的长期贡献由高到低呈梯次分布。This shows that, the rates in eastern, central and western regions, from high to low, are in line with echelon distribution.

菲律宾佛光青年在四月份的假期里,连续办理三梯次皆是百人以上的生活营。BLIA-YAD Philippines organized three consecutive youth camps, each with over one hundred participants, during the April holidays.

但是,由于我国改革开放的梯次进行及其它环境因素的影响,外商直接投资在我国表现出了明显的区域差异。But because of China's uneven opening policy and other environmental factors, FDI in China appears obviously regional differences.

从中国国情特点和现实发展条件出发,以耗散结构理论为分析基础,建构了“住房供求梯次配置体系”。On the basis of dissipative structure theory, the echelon allocation system of housing supply and demand is constructed with Chinese characteristics.

但我们还可以充分利用前卫,甚至利用突然插上的后卫形成第二、第三梯次进攻。However, we can make full use of the avantgarde, and even the use of all of a sudden the plug back the formation of the second and third echelon attack.

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考虑到客户满意度和企业利润之间的关系,0-1混合整数规划模型,提出的梯次供应链。Considering the relationship between customer satisfaction and enterprise profit, a 0-1 mix integer programming model is proposed in echelon supply chain.

第一梯次的研习课程广受好评,又碍于人数的限制,尚有许多教师学员想要参加却无法报名。This advanced education program has gained many high appraisals from our participants, and many people were willing to join the program but have no chance.

与美国的宽恕政策不同,欧盟的宽恕制度梯次配置宽恕待遇,对申请者予以区别对待。Different from American leniency policy, the leniency program of EU arranges leniency treatment in echelon and gives differentiated treatment to the applicants.

但是,由于我国改革开放的梯次进行及其它政策、环境因素的影响,FDI在我国表现出明显的区域不平衡性。However, FDI in China shows the obvious regional imbalance for gradual implementation of the China's reform and open door policy and other environmental factors.

整合临沂市教育培训资源,构建临沂市农村劳动力综合技能培训人才的“梯次结构”。Lastly, we should integrate the educational and training resources in Linyi City and form an "echelon structure" in comprehensive skill training of rural labor force.

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随着国内外政治、经济、资源、市场、技术等因素的变化,需要对储备的矿产地实行梯次动态轮换。It was necessary to change the scale and location of reserving mineral lands in turn with the movements of polity, economy, mineral resources, mining market, technology and etc.

同时,还组织海塘外、非标准海塘内、滩涂养殖场、危房内、渔船上等各类危险地段人员实施梯次转移。At the same time, also organized seawall, the non-standard seawall, beach farms, dangerous, dangerous to all types of fishing vessels upper echelon personnel transfer of the lot.

原住民具有其特殊餐饮文化,特结合本校专业师资与业界实务人士,开办特色餐饮创业育成班,已完成第一梯次技能辅导与创业育成班并完成期末成果展示。The class combined the special food culture of the aboriginals , professional faculty and industry specialists. The first training phase and the final result publish had been conducted.