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核聚变是一种热核反应。A nuclear fusion is a thermonuclear reaction.

原来老的热核反应机制只是它的一个特例。The old thermonuclear mechanism is a special example of it.

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太阳的热核反应给人类以能量。The thermonuclear reactions of the sun energize the human body.

值得强调指出,发生在太阳和恒星内部的核反应是热核反应。It is worth emphasizing that the nuclear reactions occurring in the interior of the sun and stars are thermonuclear.

在这个时期,苏联已经爆破了的一系列原子设计,包括至少一个含有热核反应的。During this period the Soviet Union has exploded a series of atomic devices, including at least one involving thermo-nuclear reactions.

但是他补充说少数人也认为行星的形成过程可能和恒星是一样的,只是没达到发生热核反应的临界点。However, he added there was a minority view that planets could form the same way that stars do, but fail to reach the critical point of thermonuclear ignition.

我的父母不同意,他们说第三行星上这些危险生物,将会研究太阳的凤凰反应,自己发展出热核反应。My parent objected, saying that the solar phoenix reaction in the sun would lead the dangerous life-form on the third planet to develop a thermonuclear reaction of its own.

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高温等离子体的约束是实现受控热核反应的基本问题,如何提高等离子体的约束性能也一直是人们关心的问题。The confinement of high temperature plasma is a basic question of achieving controllable fusion . It is concerned that how to improve the confinement on the Tokamaks plasma.

黑衣人没有撤退,反而扩大了活动范围,他们的密令是要引爆热核反应弹头以摧毁整个研究所。The Black Ops did not evacuate, instead the scale of the Black Ops operation increased, as they had secret orders to detonate a thermonuclear warhead and destroy the facility.

恒星中的热核反应发生在远低于库仑势垒的能区,该能区的核反应截面随能量的减小近似呈指数下降,通常的实验条件很难对其进行直接测量。However, the target nuclei studied in laboratory are usually in the form of atoms or molecules, so that the Coulomb barrier is effectively reduced both in height and radial extension.

本月早些时候,两艘分别来自英法的潜艇载有可能超过100枚热核反应弹头在大西洋底相撞。Two nuclear missile submarines — one British, one French — armed with a likely total of well more than 100 thermonuclear warheads collided under the Atlantic Ocean earlier this month.