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那位作家在1930年左右名噪一时。The writer flourished around 1930.

他曾经名噪一时,但现在不过是一个让人怜悯的对象。Once famous, he is now a mere object of pity.

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有多少英雄名噪一时,瞬间陨落。The number of reputable hero, an instant fall.

法国革命时期名噪一时的头巾也可能是帽子的来源。The Phrygian headgear of French Revolution fame might be one influence.

作为麦当娜的丈夫也令他名噪一时——应该是曾经,最近他们已经离婚了。Hes also famous for being Madonnas husband – or was, as the two have recently divorced.

“詹姆斯帮”、“小子比利”、巴克抑或是怀亚特·厄普,都是西部名噪一时的人物。"James Gang", "Billy the Kid", and "Wyatt Earp" etc. were held in reputation at that time.

借用一个由约翰·梅纳德·凯恩斯提出的名噪一时的说法,我们的“动物精神”正在减弱。Our "animal spirits, " to borrow a phrase made famous by John Maynard Keynes, are weakening.

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这是1928年摄影师尤金。罗伯特为当时名噪一时的轻佻女郎露易丝。布鲁克斯拍摄的一张照片。Louise Brooks, the archetypical American flapper, was photographed by Eugene Robert Richee in 1928.

她们都是名噪一时的高级交际花,过着极度奢华、糜烂的生活。They are the high-level social butterflies who is renowned in one's time, extreme luxurious, erosion's life.

尽管这对夫妇和他们的团伙因为银行抢劫案而名噪一时,但是克莱德·巴罗却更热衷于抢劫小型店铺或是加油站。Although this couple and their gang were notorious for their bank robberies, Clyde Barrow preferred to rob small stores or gas stations.

去年这家公司从幕后走出,宣布自己的用户包括沃尔玛和Ebay公司,因而名噪一时。The startup came out of stealth mode last year to a great deal of fanfare, with announcements that its customers included Walmart and eBay.

在校期间,李开复博士还开发了“奥赛罗”人机对弈系统,并因1988年击败了人类的奥赛罗世界冠军而名噪一时。While at Carnegie Mellon, Lee also developed the world-champion computer program that plays the game "Othello" and that defeated the human world champion in 1988.

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1988年参与同学达明安•赫斯特策划的艺术展览「凝」,成为名噪一时的「英国青年艺术家」其中一员。Landy became part of the infamous Young British Artist set following his participation in the group exhibition Freeze, curated by fellow student Damien Hirst in 1988.

他说,打个比方,早期的现代人类就因会使用西南亚穴居人式的工具而名噪一时,所以他们的出现不太可能是穴居人居住的凭证。For example, early modern humans are known to have used Neanderthal-style tools in southwest Asia, he said, so their presence isn't definitive proof of a Neanderthal occupation.

“新感觉派”的小说创作,不仅在上个世纪30年代的中国文坛上名噪一时,而且也为今天的学术界留下了一个颇有意味的研究课题。“The composition of novels of New Emotion School, which was conspicuous in China in 1930s, remains a controversal and significant topic of research in the present literary world.

上世纪五十年代,罗西在哈佛法学院学习,曾写过一部关于美国破产法的著作,后来一名公司代理律师,因热衷于市场规则及其的案例而名噪一时。Mr Rossi, who attended Harvard law school in the 1950s and wrote a book on American bankruptcy law, made his name as a corporate lawyer keen on market rules and their enforcement.

迪拜是阿联酋七个酋长国之一,拥有人工修建的“棕榈岛”以及位于沙漠中的室内滑雪场,让其名噪一时。Dubai, one of seven members of the United Arab Emirates, gained a reputation for excess with the creation of man-made islands shaped like palms and an indoor ski slope in the desert.