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吃鱼或者含鱼油的食品。Eat fish or take a fish-oil supplement.

我们不提供鱼油从农场饲养的鱼。Our fish oil is not supplied from farm-raised fish.

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这种鱼油没有讨厌的鱼腥味。I hate fish and this has no fishy tast what so ever.

如果需要,可以使用多元维生素和鱼油补充剂。Use multi-vitamins & fish oil supplements if you want.

采用超声波提取方法从海鱼燕鲅鱼肉中提取鱼油。The ultrasonic method was used for the extraction of fish oil.

鲱鱼和它的鱼油用于动物饲料及其它产品。Menhaden and its oil are used in animal feed and other products.

许多公司提取鱼油,以帮助去除污染物。And many companies distill their oils to help remove contaminants.

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最新鲜和最高品质的鱼油不应该尝起来有腥味。The freshest and highest-quality fish oils should not taste fishy.

本文探讨了棉籽糖对鱼油的抗氧化作用。This paper discussed the antioxygenation of raffinose to fish oil.

如此说来,鱼油实际上可能只在某些情况下起到助益健康的作用。So, fish oil might in fact have a healthful role in some circumstances.

结论深海鱼油具有调节血脂作用。Conclusion Deep-sea fish oil has the function of moderating blood lipid.

鱼油的其他副作用可能来自于其腥臭的气味和回味。Other side effects of fish oil may be fishy burps or a fishy aftertaste.

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两组服用维生素D和鱼油补剂的一种和一片安慰剂。Two will take either a vitamin D or a fish-oil supplement and a placebo.

研究表明,鱼油产品含有很少或根本没有污染物。Studies suggest that fish oil products contain little or no contaminants.

你可以买到柠檬,橘子,以及桃子口味的这些高档的鱼油补充剂。You can buy these high grade fish oils in lemon, orange, and peach flavors.

经鱼油强化或海水小球藻二次培养后脂类含量明显升高。After enriched with fish oil or cultured twice for the seawater Chlorella spp.

鱼中和鱼油中含有ω-3脂肪酸,它可以使你的大脑更加健康。The omega-3 fats found in fish and fish oil are linked with better brain health.

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而其余服用鱼油或葵花子油的两组不进行运动。Another two groups received either fish oil or sunflower oil but did no exercise.

专利技术使汤普森的发布新的回流免费三文鱼油。Patented technology has enabled Thompson's to release new Reflux-Free Salmon Oil.

研究结果建议人们每日服用0.5到1.8克鱼油,将会收到较佳效果。Studies suggest that 0.5 to 1.8 grams of fish oil per day is an effective amount.