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我们为什么不把小女儿送进附近的一所私立走读学校呢?Why don't we send our daughter to a day school nearby?

有些学生是走读的,大部分学生是住读的。Some students are non-residential, but most of them are.

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有些学生是走读的,大部分学生是住宿的。Some students are non-residential, but most of them are residential.

另一方面,走读学校的贡献也不容忽视。On the other hand, the contribution of day schools cannot be ignored.

一般的走读学校不可能提供很多实际的生活锻炼。The ordinary day school can' t give much practical training for living.

而走读幼儿的自理能力则受许多因素的影响。But for day-boarders, their self-care ability are influenced by many factors.

当时他刚刚开始在新泽西州上走读学校,那天晚上他没能回家。He had just started a day school in New Jersey, and he couldn't come home that night.

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文章分析了海淀走读大学招生工作在学校可持续发展中的重要作用。The article discusses the work of recruiting students does good to Haidian university.

石溪有一大部分的学生在家住走读去学校。在学校附近租住公寓的学生很少,这是缺乏大学城氛围的一个重要因素。Being that Stony Brook is a large school there are many places to dorm whether it be on campus or off.

越来越多的学生选择收费较低的公立大学,或选择住在家里走读以节省住房开支。More students are choosing lower-cost public colleges or commuting to schools from home to save on housing expenses.

是一所高标准管理、高水平办学,集走读与寄宿为一体的全日制学校。All in all, Jinyu Experimental School is a high-level management school, combined with boarding and non-boarding mode.

其他一些学校采用走读制,就是说学生每天要在上学路上花不少时间。Other universities are non-residential, which means students have to spend a lot of time on daily travel to their lectures.

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54走读学校放假,主日学校也不上课,可是去教堂的人却很早就到了。There was no Sabbath-school during day-school vacation, but everybody was early at church. The stirring event was well canvassed.

学校提供优越的食宿条件和完善的全过程管理,学生可根据自身情况自由选择寄宿或走读。The school provides excellent lodgings, food, and management for the students. The students have freedom to choose whether to board or not.

这对州立走读学校的学生来说可能没有太大的相关性,在走读学校里对学生休息和上学的时间没有过多的控制。That may make the results less relevant for state-run day schools where there's less control over what time pupils go to bed and arrive for school.

文章结合海淀走读大学的发展和实践,论述了“三个代表”的重要思想。The article introduces the developing history and practice of haidian university. It is considered that haidian university is the result of actively practicing the Three Represents Theory.