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令堂需要多少果汁?How much juice do you need?

听说令堂去世,我非常难过。What I saw made me very sad.

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代我向令堂问候,别忘了。Say hello to your mother for me,don't forget it.

得知令堂去世的消息我们都很难过。We were ever so sad to hear that your mother had died.

不知令堂近况如何,实为惦念,随信另寄上什锦饼干一盒,并致最良好的问候。Under a separate cover I am sending her a box of assorted biscuits with my best regards.

我刚知道令堂去世的消息,内心什感难过和遗憾。I have just learned with deepest sorrow and regret of the passing of your beloved mother.

今天获悉令堂逝世,使我为之震惊。遭此剧痛,自非言语所能慰籍。I was shocked to learn of the death of your mother today. I have no words to console you.

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现在,老老实实地告诉我,令堂真的非常反对这桩婚事吗?Now, speaking without any exaggeration, is your mother really so very much averse to this marriage?

听到令堂大人去世的消息,我非常难过,因为她是我最尊敬、最爱戴的人。I'm sorely grieved to learn of the death of your mother, for whom I had the greatest admiration and regard.

获悉令堂谢世,我深感悲伤,请接受我对丧事最深切的慰问。I was most grieved to learn the death of your dear mother. Please accept my deepest condolences upon this sad event.

可是请你允许我告诉你一声,我这次跟你求婚,是获得了令堂大人的允许的。I thank you again and again for the honour you have done me in your proposals, but to accept them is absolutely impossible.

这位美国司铎的决定很可能令堂区的男孩与女孩感到困惑不解并与教会疏离,更不用说成年人了。That American priest’s decision will probably mystify and alienate both the girls and boys of his parish, not to mention the adults.

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首先请您介绍一下您的家庭背景,令尊与令堂的职业,以及您的兄弟或姊妹。Could you please explain your family background, the professions of your mother and father and the role of any brothers or sisters in your life.