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真空吸尘器的吸力很弱。The vacuum cleaner has weak suction.

地心吸力使苹果落地。An apple falls by the force of gravitation.

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清道夫的清污效果,吸力大,不留死角。Clean-up effects, great suction, leaving no.

地心吸力让我们能在陆地上正常生活。The gravity enables us to live naturally on land.

由于地心吸力,长途飞行会感到筋疲力尽。Because of gravity, long flight would be exhausted.

有些泵和所有的真空吸尘器都是藉吸力工作的。Some pumps and all vacuum cleaners work by suction.

那好比打破杯子却怪罪地心吸力。That's like blaming gravity for the glass you broke.

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扣篮是需要与地心吸力对抗。Slam dunking a basketball is a fight against gravity.

地心吸力把物体吸向地心。The force of gravity pulls things towards the earth's centre.

壁挂式吸力设计,安装、移动十分方便。Single Wall-suction design, convenient installation and remove.

想像两台高吸力真空吸尘器夹在你的背上是什么感觉。Imagine two high-suction vacuum cleaners clamped onto your back.

拽向死亡的吸力通常也能解释严重的疾病。This suction towards death can frequently explain severe illnesses.

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如果没有地心吸力,我们的脚就不能再站在地面上了。When there is no gravitation , our feet no longer stay on the ground.

喷射洗涤器和尾气排风机可提供部分吸力。Some suction is provided by the ejector scrubber and the tail gas fan.

首先,吸力管刀一样的优势是插入到子宫。First, a suction tube with a knife-like edge is inserted into the womb.

沙床边缘非常陡峭,并且激流的吸力将妇人往下拽。The sand dropped off steeply, and a riptide was sucking the woman un-der.

牠们是怎样对抗地心吸力呢?本片将会为大家一一解开答案。How they fight with gravitation, this section will answer all this questions.

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新型盆口式电磁铁在我国逐步推广,其特点就是吸力较大。The new cup type electromagnet is gradually gaining popularity in our country.

吸锡枪吸力强,除锡快而干净,节省时间。Absorb gun has strong power for speedy desoldering and cleaning at the same time.

在那高度,树的能力去泵高营养是战胜地心吸力。At that height, the ability of the tree to pump nutrients is overcome by gravity.