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她家境贫寒。Her family was poor.

他家境极其贫困。His family was extremely poor.

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他们三个都家境贫寒。All three are in very poor circumstances.

由于家境贫寒,他不能上学。His family was so poor that he couldn't go to school.

他的父亲是一位医生,家境富裕,让他在物质生活上不虞匮乏。His father is a doctor and he lives in a well-off family.

那时我们的家境不好,不能常上麦当劳。I did not have the pleasure of eating at McDonald’s often.

她瞧不起我出身卑贱,家境贫困。She's contemptuous of my humble home and poor surroundings.

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他们的家境每况愈下。Their family financial circumstances are from bad to worse.

昨天还家境宽裕,下一天便一无所有。You were well offf yesterday, the next day you had nothing.

家境哪怕好一点,谁会大冷天夜里摆地摊。If his home is better, who would put stall in the cold night.

家境的富足让关宝英在生活中没有太多烦恼。Kwan let off plenty of Baoying in life do not worry too much.

尽管张东家境比较富裕,但是他的穿着却十分朴素。Rich as his family is, Zhangdong always wares simple clothes.

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虽然他爱着她,而这个女孩的家境非常富裕。Although there are love woman, but the girls home is very rich.

尊的家境不错,目前在汶莱也拥有自己的健身房。Chun is quite well-off, and has his own gym business in Brunei.

尽管他家境贫穷,但他没有辍学。He didn't drop out of school despite his poverty-stricken family.

张岱出生于世宦之家,家境殷实,早年生活条件优越。He lived a kind of superior living conditions in his early years.

尽管张东家境比较富裕,但穿着却十分朴素。Though Zhang Dong's family is wealthy, he is usually simply dressed.

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女方是城市户口,独养女儿,家境好。The woman is registered city alone, a daughter, family circumstances.

而家境不好的,从小就深深地体味到人间的冷暖。The family was poor, deeply appreciate an early age to human well-being.

阿宝家境清寒,这使他不能念大学。The poverty of his family made it impossible for Paul to attend college.