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l该封顶计划没有追溯力。The cap won't apply retroactively.

他打算明天给粮仓封顶。He is going to top the barn tomorrow.

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自那以后,昆州同意协商河水提取量的封顶值。It has since agreed to negotiate a cap.

平顶仪式,或“封顶”仪式。Richtfest, or the "topping-out" ceremony.

切斯尼和糖城封顶大量观众前国家雷霆2007。Chesney and Sugarland capped Country Thunder 2007 before a large audience.

BP石油公司正准实施为期六周的石油泄漏封顶法。BP oil company is preparing its latest effort to cap the 6-week-old oil leak.

美国也抵制封顶的提议,用达林的话说就是“无法实施”。The US is also resisting the proposal, described as "unenforceable" by Darling.

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是否针对首席高管薪酬的封顶和其他限制会延续并扩大?Will caps and other restrictions on the pay of top executives be continued and expanded?

及与之相关的利率封顶,障碍,物物交换或其他对冲机制。Any interest rate cap, hurdle or swap or other hedging mechanisms relating to the foregoing.

现在房子封顶前不允许开发商们预售单元房。Developers are currently not allowed to pre-sell units in new buildings until the roof is on.

体育场封顶工作将在九个月内完工,整个体育场将于2011年夏季完工。The roof should be finished in nine months' time and the entire stadium by the Summer of 2011.

在先知玛拉基之后,犹太人不再承认任何著作为正经,他们的经典从此封顶。After Malachi, they accepted no addition to the canon. Divine revelation was closed by the Jews.

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不过部分已经实施了漫游费封顶措施的运营商则发现欧洲用户的漫游呼叫次数已经有明显的增加。However, roaming has already gone up in Europe for those carriers that have implemented the caps.

2006年5月20日,在中国湖北省宜昌市三峡大坝旁,几个坝区村民在拆除的旧房子里看大坝“封顶”。Some villagers watch the construction of the three gorges dam in Yichang of Hubei, China, May 20, 2006.

只有当你的银行在未来从纳税人那里获得“额外”援助的时候,这个封顶计划才对你有效。Only if your bank took "exceptional" assistance from taxpayers in the future would the cap be mandatory.

作为传统封顶仪式的一部分,台上摆放有常青树枝。与会嘉宾也共饮了一小杯啤酒。As part of the traditional ceremony an evergreen bough was nailed to the stage and a 'noggin of ale' was drunk.

考虑到首层用餐区层高问题,这个区域的天花使用亮面钨钢封顶。Considering to the height problem of first floor dining area, this area of smallpox with bright tungsten steel cap.

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布朗也说,薪资和花红“不应是失败的回报更不应鼓励不可接受的冒险”,但是他同时拒绝支持为花红设限封顶。Brown also said pay and bonuses "cannot reward failure or encourage unacceptable risk-taking" but declined to back a cap.

Suttle先生早前承认把废物和泥浆打入裂井中的封顶法已经失败。Mr Suttles earlier admitted its "top kill" operation to blast waste material and heavy mud into the ruptured well had failed.

军刀桌腿用抛光镍封顶,避免桌腿的磨损,又产生亮丽时尚的美感。Saber table leg with polishing nickel crest, avoid table leg wear, and produce bright beautiful fashionable aesthetic feeling.