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我喜欢的一幅招贴画上面写有,“生活是个测验。One of my favorite posters says, “ Life is a test.

但是礼品店里有很多招贴画、明信片及书籍。But, our gift shop has lots of posters, postcards and books.

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罗琳的小说,把这位闻名遐迩的少年巫师画进了可爱幽默的招贴画里。Rowling's books about the boy wizard into adorably rendered posters.

它们出现在旅游招贴画、马克杯、T恤和钥匙扣上。They were in tourist paintings and photos on mugs T-shirts and key chains.

它们出现在旅游招贴画、马克杯、T恤和钥匙扣上。They were in tourist paintings and photos, on mugs, T-shirts and key chains.

在俱乐部外,林的比真人还大的巨幅招贴画装饰在道路上。Outside the club, bigger-than-life posters of Ms. Hayashi adorned the street.

放一些艺术品或招贴画到墙上使它看起来更有趣一点。Get some artwork or a poster to make your wall a little more visually interesting.

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这里展示了一部分吸引我眼球的的招贴画,没有特别的排列顺序。Here is a visual overview in no particular order of posters that grabbed my attention.

有些广告比较小,比如招贴画那样的,还有些可能要覆盖整个车身。Some of these ads are small like a bumper sticker but others can cover the entire car.

保险杆贴画是非常有意思的贴在汽车保险杆上的招贴画。Bumper stickers are those fun stickers you see attached to the bumpers of people's cars.

有些广告比较小,比如招贴画那样的,还有些可能要覆盖整个车身。Some of these ads are small like a bumper sticker but other ads can cover the entire car.

到目前为止,名为“何为平面造型设计”的招贴画大赛已经成为我心中的头等大事。The What is Graphic Design poster competition by far surpassed anything that I had in mind.

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每上一层楼,正对着电梯门的墙上就有那幅画着很大脸庞的招贴画凝视着。On each landing, opposite the lift-shaft, the poster with the enormous face gazed from the wall.

商店应该张贴能够吸引在校年龄人群的陶器的招贴画。Stores should display posters showing pottery that is designed to appeal to college-age individuals.

偶然看到了一张出租廉价自行车计划的广告招贴画,我就不由自主的决定参加。I saw a poster that advertised a cheap bike hire scheme and I spontaneously decided to take the plunge.

这位伶俐的俄罗斯球星的招贴画成了该赛季第一场红土地锦标赛的热点。The sassy Russian star’s poster was one of the hottest items at the season’s first clay court tournament.

他们计划把这些招贴画送往俱乐部总部,以备今后宣传使用。They plan to submit the posters to the headquarters of the O Ambassadors Club for possible publicity use.

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在一间店里,一台古老的黑白电视机对面的墙上,挂着一幅真人大小的日本武士招贴画。In one, an antique black-and-white television balances on the wall below a life-size poster of a pixilated Japanese warrior.

这些招贴画是PDF格式的——你可以下载它们并使用适合你打印机的纸张打印。The posters are in PDF format – enabling you to easily download and print them using whichever paper size is in your printer.

在获奖名单宣布之后,如果大家青睐这些招贴画,我将以管理员的身份再次打开图库,以供大家赏玩。Inspiring pool and a keeper as I will open it up again to let people play if they feel up to it after I announced the winners.