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他是她的前夫。He was her ex-husband.

特丽莎的前夫约翰·亨氏是亨氏公司的法定继承人,他于1991年死于空难。He died in a 1991 plane crash.

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“这是我的前夫,他是日本人,”她说。"My ex-husband's Japanese, " she explains.

一看到她的前夫,她有意避开了。Seeing her former husband, she stood aside consciously.

里姆的父亲和前夫没有回答CNN的电话。Reem's father and ex-husband did not return CNN's calls.

前夫亡故后,她嫁给了现在的丈夫,投资银行家理查德•伊尔根。She is now remarried to investment banker Richard Illgen.

她的前夫克里夫称赞她是一位美妙的女性。Her former husband Clive paid tribute to a "wonderful" woman.

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她与前夫离婚十年后又复婚了。She remarried her former husband ten years after their divorce.

最后证明,他家里的那个男人是他母亲的前夫。It turned out that the man in his home was his mother's ex- husband.

“这是我的前夫,他是日本人,”她说。“他是精子捐献者。”"My ex-husband's Japanese," she explains. "He's just a sperm donor."

女人再嫁是因为憎恶前夫,男人再娶是因为太爱前妻。When a woman marries again,it is because she detested her first husband.

她的前夫似乎又要陷入到某种绝望的情绪中去了。Her ex-husband seemed to be slipping away into one of his hopeless moods.

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当她看到城墙下前夫的身影时,爱的热泪流满了眼帘。Tears of love filled up her eyes when she saw her first husband down below.

我的前夫正巧也认为我改了名,使我心碎。My own ex-spouse happens to think I changed my name too, and it breaks my heart.

尼科尔布朗辛普森前夫前足球明星媒体著名人物O。Nicole Brown Simpson's ex-husband, former football great and media personality O.

过节的时候,她还会为所有人准备大餐,包括她的前夫。On holidays, she prepared big meals at the house for everyone, even her ex-husband.

他们共同生有一女,并且一同抚养洛伊斯与前夫生的女儿。They have one daughter together and Lois has a daughter from her previous marriage.

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她回到父亲的监护下,并在夏天和前夫商讨了孩子的抚养权问题。She returned under her father's shelter and, by summer, settled custody with her ex.

我是我前夫的第二继承人这给了我全权处理这笔财富的权利。I am the next of kin to my late husband and this gives me full authority our properties.

索赫拉还必须和另一个男人共度一夜,这个男人提出离婚后,才能与前夫复婚。Sohela would also have to spend a night with another man and be divorced by him in turn.