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这一世纪有层出不穷的创造发明。The century was in full flood of invention.

这就是我的潜意识使我做到的——新想法层出不穷。And that is what my Subconscious does — it feeds me idea after idea.

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此类案例层出不穷,但却没有可行地试验方法。Numerous such stories exist, but a reliable testing method does not.

各种针对密钥分发系统的攻击方案也层出不穷。Also, much more classes of attack against the QKD system have emerged.

此后,新的酒店依然层出不穷──只是如今都排在了第二梯队,不能紧挨着海滩了。But hotels keep going up -- now in a second row, back away from the beach.

谬误的假设和方法就像佩利翁山叠到奥萨山上那样层出不穷。Fallacious assumption and method are piled upon each other like Pelion on Ossa.

各种基于网络的分布式办公系统层出不穷,电子政务系统就是其中之一。Kinds of systems based on network appeared and the E-GOV System is one of them.

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为什么假冒伪劣的产品在中国层出不穷?Why is there never a shortage of counterfeit and poor quality products in China?

他们说,银行的坏账层出不穷,但金融系统的改革却裹足不前。Too many bad loans were made, they say. Financial reform didn't come fast enough.

贿赂犯罪在我国屡禁不绝,而且层出不穷,目前与性贿赂相关案件正呈蔓延之势。Bribery crime has been strictly punished in China, but it is far from disappearing.

事实上,利用网络来贬损、诋毁竞争对手,已经层出不穷。In fact, use a network to derogate, bespatter competitor, had emerged in endlessly.

科学家们知道,随着他们的发现越来越多,问题也会层出不穷。Scientists know that the more that they find out, the more questions they will have.

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至于暗招、阴招肯定是层出不穷的。As for is dark to recruit, the Yin recruit positive stack up one afterward dissimilar.

而且豆腐家族的品种也是层出不穷,除了传统的豆浆、豆腐脑、豆腐干等,现在更有豆腐新种类的出台,比如可口的豆腐冰淇淋就极适合无法接受乳糖的人选用。For example, tasty tofu ice cream is extremely suitable for people who can’t have lactose.

新的投资方式不断出现,从信用违约掉期合约到住房抵押贷款证券化,层出不穷。New investments have been invented, from credit-default swaps to mortgage securitizations.

竞争越来越激烈,新产品也层出不穷,对性别差异的顾虑越来越小。With stiff competition and fast product cycles, there's not enough room to be gender-biased.

到了19世纪30年代,一些时髦女性开始效仿层出不穷的艺妓风格。By the 1830s, the evolving geisha style was emulated by fashionable women throughout society.

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网上和出版物中的滥用和混淆层出不穷。I've seen hundreds of misapplications and confusions spouted throughout the web and in print.

如果孩子们如此不孝顺,那我可无法忍受,尽管这类事层出不穷。If my children are not filial to me, I can by no means bear it even if it happens fairly often.

当今社会上诈骗事件层出不穷,信任这两个字如今值得几毛钱呢?Now, in the society, the swindle events emerge in an endless stream. "Credence" isn't valuable.