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他身患痼疾,常年缠绵病榻。He's bedridden throughout the year with a lingering, obstinate disease.

积之既久,失眠成病,成了折磨我几十年的终生痼疾。Losing sleep became insomnia gradually, a chronic disease afflicting me in my life.

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这个短视的暂缓行为使得痼疾在身的一些银行例如花旗的股价得以大幅提升。The short-sighted reprieve led to a huge rally in the shares of stricken banks such as Citigroup.

他们表示,这个问题是困扰华盛顿多年的痼疾,现在由于经济衰退而更加严重了。They said it has been a problem for decades in the city, worsened recently by the national recession.

会计信息失真已成为当前我国社会经济发展的一个重大痼疾,不及时治疗,后患无穷。Unreality of information on accounting has been the stubborn disease which hinders the development of the economy of our country.

唯利是图,是一种痼疾,使人卑鄙,但贪求享乐,更是一种使人极端无耻,不可救药的毛病。Mercenary, is a chronic illness, people despicable, but lust for pleasure, it is an extremely shameless people, incurable illnesses.

的确,医生怀疑连丁梅斯代尔先生身体痼疾的本质都从来没有坦率地泄露给他。The latter had his suspicions, indeed, that even the nature of Mr. Dimmesdale's bodily disease had never fairly been revealed to him.

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具有讽刺意味的是,这些问题正是党首们在最近几年中为祛除经济痼疾而设法要解决的问题。Ironically,those were the issues party planners tried to cure when they stimulated thehell out of the economy over the last few years.

具有讽刺意味的是,这些问题正是党首们在最近几年中为祛除经济痼疾而设法要解决的问题。Ironically, those were the issues party planners tried to cure when they stimulated thehell out of the economy over the last few years.

宋明时期的书院教育对社会文化产生过一定的推动作用,后期的书院教育则流于空虚无用之痼疾。Academy education in the Song and Ming dynasties promoted social civilization, but in the Qing Dynasty, the system became empty and rigid.

梅映佳采用心理学上的暗示原理,让关心成心做痼癖动作,反而使他一举克制了这分歧命痼疾,顺利过关。MeiYingJia using psychology cues principle, let care mean to do GuPi action, but he hit the differences life restraint hugeness, smoothly.

这三大思潮势大力沉,荡涤了传统教育的痼疾弊病,引领了全球教育的发展走势。These powerful and influential thoughts have been destroying the conventional education harms, guiding the development of global education.

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虽然污染问题痼疾难除,气候愈发多变莫测,但这些激进的手段可以解决中国北方的用水困境。Given the persistent pollution concerns and the increasingly unstable climate, even these radical measures will solve northern China's water woes.

其原因是多方面的,既有启蒙自身的痼疾,又掺杂着包括浪漫主义在内的现代批判者的盲目与过火。Its reason is various, both has initiation own chronic disease, and dopes with is going too far blindly including the romanticism modern repudiator.

积累率偏高、消费率偏低是导致我国消费需求不足的根源和影响我国经济发展的痼疾。High accumulation rate and low consumption rate is the root of insufficient consumer demand and the chronic illness impairing China's economic development.

然而,世人对这八种现象却是推崇备至。因此,这个世界的精神层面,早已扭曲纷乱,成为陈年痼疾,根深柢固,而不可救药矣!Nevertheless, people have a panegyric on the eight phenomena. Therefore, the spirit of this world is distorted. It has become a stubborn disease and beyond cure.

债转股作为解决中国经济这一沉疴痼疾的一种新的缓解药方,是明智的符合中国国情的现实选择。And turning debts into shares, as a new prescription to cure the sickness of Chinese economy, is a wise and practical choice, because it is suitable for Chinas conditions.

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为了让别人也能分享新生活给他带来的新喜悦,麦克休先生在伯肯黑德开办了一个画廊,让身患痼疾的业余艺术家们前来切磋交流技艺。In an effort to share the thrill of his new lease of life, Mr McHugh is opening a gallery in Birkenhead for amateur artists suffering from illnesses to exhibit their work.

正因如此,他才有力寻求到疗养各种社会痼疾的灵丹妙药,末了,他作为人文主义所能做的独一事情便是回避实际,从梦境中找安抚。Thus- he finds no way to solve the socinos problems. In the end- the only thing he can do as human definitelyist is to escape from the renosity to seek comfort in his dreare.

本文试从人类文化学的角度去探讨苔丝悲剧的根源,指出苔丝的悲剧是由于西方文化自身的痼疾所造成的。The paper tries to probe into the root of Tess's tragedy from the angle of ethnology, points out that the western culture's self chronic illness made the result of Tess's tragedy.