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你们无法接受对方的还盘,你对他说,你方价格与他方还价差距太大。The gap between our price and your counter-offer is too wide.

他们都很斗气,但最终他们仍是包容了他方又和洽如初。They were very angry, but in the end they kissed and made up.

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我将举起双臂摇断爱的根脉憩于他方。I shall lift my arms and my roots will set off to seek another land.

美国代表着灵魂大聚合,其中绝大部份来自世界他方。America is a grand gathering of souls, the vast majority from elsewhere.

未经合作他方同意,任何一方不得擅自处理。No party shall dispose it on its own without the consent of the other party.

地理疗法指的是一种错觉,即他方的生活更美好。It refers to the illusion that life will be better when we get somewhere else.

倘若你已取得先行权或正要改变航向,须先给予他方船艇时间去避开。If you gain right of way or change course, give the other boat time to keep clear.

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在你可以像大石般沉默时,生事者迟早会失兴致而另去他方。When you can be as silent as a rock, instigators will lost interest and go elsewhere.

如其他方接受本审图服务产生的文件的内容导致的任何损害或损失,本社概不负责。CCS will not be liable for any damage or loss due to accepting such documents by any other party.

阿富汗的成功取决于确保其他方也作出努力,这无疑包括印度。Success in Afghanistan depends on ensuring that others are there, too. That certainly includes India.

同方未达先销账,他方仍挂未达的问题。Solve the problem of reconciliation before open for the same side and pending items for the other side.

事实上,双方都非常的自闭并且拒绝站在他方的角度上思考问题。Truthfully, both sides were being quite closed-minded and refusing to consider the other's perspective.

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夺取或试图夺取他人或他方财物时使用致命武器的犯罪行为。The act of using a deadly weapon when raking or attempting to take property form another person or party.

民法领域中的抗辩权是指在双务合同中对抗他方请求或否认他方所提主张之权利。The defense right is the right that can defend the other party's request or view in the bilateral contract.

任何一方当事人所发之通知应以书面为之,并经送达他方当事人始生效力。Any notice given hereunder shall be effective only when it is made in writing and delivered to the other Party.

娱乐产业总会存在,但没有一个是通过这种方式得以生存的,即排除他方的进入来出版自己的数码著作。Therewill always be an entertainment industry, but not one based on excluding accessto published digital works.

合营一方转让其全部或部分出资额时,合营他方在同等条件有优先购买权。When one party to the joint venture assigns all or part of the investment, the other party has preemptive right.

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现在我们假设子弹的能量巨大,可以射向无限远处并可摧毁在他方向上的木屋。Here we assume that a bullet is so powerful that it can run across any distance and destroy a blockhouse on its way.

人类的历史常常是国家、部落甚至宗教为自身利益征服他方的历史。For human history has often been a record of nations and tribes subjugating one another to serve their own interests.

通过辩论我们将学会为我方立出最好的论点并了解我方或者他方论点的弱点。You will learn to present the best arguments for your side and understand the weaknesses of your own and others' arguments.