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这次持续100分钟的全食是自2000年七月的月全食以来时间最长的一次全食。The 100-minute period of totality was the longest since July 2000.

当日全食食甚来临,重庆市的天空被一片黑暗笼罩。A total solar eclipse darkens the skies in Chongqing municipality in China.

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在中国,你无需驾车几英里去“全食”健康食品超市购买新鲜土产。In China, you don't have to drive miles to a Whole Foods to find farm-direct produce.

作为“天然和有机产品”的供应者,全食超市的一切都打着绿色标签。As a purveyor of "natural and organic produce", everything about Whole Foods shouts green.

这就是为什么在全食的过程中月亮会显得那么红,它需要依赖于我们的大气条件。Just how red it will appear during totality will depend on the conditions in our atmosphere.

三个或者四个肉眼可见的行星以及许多明亮的恒星也许能在全食阶段看到。Three or four naked-eye planets and a number of bright stars may be visible during totality.

我们的身体确实需要糖,但只有一种由我们身体以全食为基础自己产生的糖。Our body does indeed need sugar, but only the kind the body makes itself based on whole foods.

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全食带将往东依次穿过印度、尼泊尔、缅甸、孟加拉国、不丹、中国、日本和太平洋。It then moved east across India, Nepal, Burma, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, Japan and the Pacific.

看到这次日全食的全食阶段的机会来之不易。Other opportunities to see the total phase of this eclipse of the Sun were also hard to come by.

“全食物”运动不仅仅对皮肤有显著的作用,对全身的健康都有好处。The "whole food" movement has whole-body advantages, not the least of which is great-looking skin.

不过全食阶段结束的生光瞬间,仍然可以看见闪亮的钻石镶在月亮剪影上。Still, the Moon's silhouette was highlighted by these glistening diamonds as the total eclipse phase ended.

当单个贝利珠出现时,这就被称为钻石环效应,通常在全食之前看到。When a single bead dominates, it is called the diamond ring effect, and is typically seen just before totality.

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然而,除了苏格兰北部和斯堪的纳维亚半岛北部,整个欧洲都可以看到全食。However, totality could be observed throughout the continent except for northern Scotland and northern Scandinavia.

月全食发生时,月亮在地球的本影中大约要持续1个小时,这就是所谓的“全食”.During an average total lunar eclipse, the moon is within the Earth's umbra for about an hour. This is called totality.

看到全食超市耀眼的好名声,可口可乐的高层有理由感到无力和嫉妒。When looking at Whole Foods' glowing reputation, executives at The Coca-Cola Company have every reason to be green with envy.

乔式百货和全食百货都有多种选择,但大多数杂货店也开始供应这些食品。Trader Joe’s and Whole Foods have a wide variety of options, but most grocery stores are also starting to stock these items, too.

阿兰·代尔表示说,全食发生之前和之后的那些时刻同日食本身一样令人激动不已。According to Telus World of Science's Dyer, the moments before and after totality can be just as thrilling as the solar eclipse itself.

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暂且不说它有多么地新奇,全食时的这种观测,在精确计量视天空亮度和透明度时也是很有用的。Aside from the sheer novelty of it, such observations are useful in gauging the apparent sky brightness and transparency during totality.

香草美味的护牙小精灵咀嚼片,有趣可爱的动物形状,还含有天然护牙全食物的混合营养素。Delicious vanilla Tooth Fairy Chewables, in fun animal shapes, also contain a targeted whole food blend of natural tooth-friendly nutrients!

在美洲,巴西东部、乌拉圭和阿根廷都可以看到全食部分,但是北美完全看不到本次月食。In the Americas, the totality was visible from eastern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. But none of the eclipse was visible from North America.