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每天都面目一新。Each day takes on a new face.

让你的餐厅用桌面目一新吧!Reclaim Your Dining Room Table!

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先是他那寒碜的小店变得面目一新了。First his humble little shop became a smart one.

不见得因为我在汉斯福骂了他一顿,就会使他这样面目一新吧?My reproofs at Hunsford could not work such a change as this.

五个去玩电子游戏的男孩让罗斯家面目一新。The five boys who came to play video games reshuffled everything.

基昌看着从头到脚面目一新的英熙后大吃一惊。The chang looked at from head to foot the face a new corvee horror.

他设法用少许油漆和一些零件把那辆旧汽车弄得面目一新.He has tried to jazz up the old car with a spot of paint and some accessories.

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除此,还有一些面目一新的人物闯入我们的视线。Besides, some figures with entirely new appearance suddenly come into our sight.

你们使国会、总统职务和政治进程本身全都面目一新。And you have changed the face of Congress, the presidency and the political process itself.

没气的可乐是很好的护发素,把它倒在你的头上,冲洗并擦干,你的头发会面目一新。Cleaned a burned saucepan by pouring Coke into it and boiling. This takes out all the staining.

韩珊疑惑地再次来到聋哑学校,震惊地发现聋哑学校的装修一夜间面目一新。HanShan doubt again to deaf school, shocked to find that deaf school decorate a new face overnight.

一场冬天的雪使得教堂面目一新,汽车轻轻的通过广场点起节日的灯光,它今天在圣彼得堡依然占有优势。Dusted by a winter snow and lowly lit by passing cars and holiday lights, it still dominates the St. Petersburg skyline today.

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作为新平台的一部分,您可以得到两个面目一新的对象,它们可以让您更改程序的用法和外观。As part of the new platform, you get two new look-and-feel objects that let you change what your program uses and how it looks.

现在的休斯顿火箭队已然面目一新,较之那支将洛杉矶湖人队拖入季后赛第二轮第七场的队伍,现在的火箭队年龄结构更轻且板凳深度更深。Houston has a new look now, younger and deeper than the squad that pushed the Los Angeles Lakers to seven games in the second round of that postseason.