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夜之巫女随之而来!When the Night Witches come!

你不用介意,这是巫女的职责。Don't you matter. This is my duty.

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这个故事说的是一位善良的姑娘和一个邪恶的巫女。This story concerns a good girl and a witched fairy.

信不信由你,这是黑巫师或黑巫女干的。Believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches or not.

这样问着,巫女开始在雾中寻找。Asking that, the shrine maiden started searching in the mist.

首先你去见见地之巫女,问她去哪里可以找到地之剑。First, go see Maiden of Earth. Ask where to find Sword of Earth.

鸣人这次的任务是保护鬼之国的巫女紫苑。Demons that once almost destroyed the world, are revived by someone.

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有两个火之巫女,你需要她们在一起才能发挥作用的。There are two Maidens of Fire, and you need both of 'em to do anything!

当小巫女得到了一匹小马,是谁帮她找到的道?And when My Little Pony got the trots , who do you think got her back on track?

如起云雾的,是一名凭空穿越此世的红白巫女。The one kept things close, is a miko in red-and-white who can go through the time.

在孩子的注视下,巫女不禁笑了,他们友好的回应她。The priestess blossomed under the children's attentions and they responded in kind.

本文从情爱特征方面对徐小斌笔下的“巫女情结”进行探索。This paper explores this witch fancy in XU Xiao-bin's works from the angle of love pursuit.

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而巫女桔梗就是为了保护和净化四魂之玉而动用灵力。And everyone Bellflower is to protect and purify the soul jade and spend four spirits power.

在后来的几个月里,事实证明了这个巫女的远见卓识与出色的能力。Over the next few months, the priestess proved to be a knowledgeable and capable replacement.

自从奈落死后,她仍旧以巫女的身份云游四方,救治病人。After Naraku was destroyed, she continued to travel as a priestess and continued to heal the sick.

也爱上了韩佳人饰演的巫女月,是为了爱情可以牺牲一切的一个人物。Also fell in love with the HanJiaRen as wu female month, is for the love can sacrifice everything man.

桔梗是负责守护四魂之玉的巫女,这意味着她必须过一种孤独的生活。Kikyo was a priestess in charge of keeping the Shikon Jewel safe, meaning that she had to live a very solitary life.

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尹大亨看到宝镜痛苦的样子又想起他眼熟的挡厄巫女月儿,他已经确信月儿就是烟雨。Yin tycoon see mirrors pain again remind of his familiar in eritrea miko moon, he is convinced that moon is misty rain.

为报答申氏恩情,巫女临死前托付同为巫女的好友张绿英守护这个孩子。In return for ShenShi kindness miko, just before he died entrusted with green the guardian for wu female friends the child.

神社里举行祭祀仪式,众巫女中一双似兔子般清澈的眼睛骤然吸引了民全身的细胞。Shrine sacrificial rites held the lich nyujhong a pair of eyes like a rabbit and clear of body suddenly attracted people cells.