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有些纸被弄得起了皱纹。Some paper is crinkled.

通过平滑皱纹。By smoothing out wrinkles.

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皱纹,波状,褶痕。A wrinkle, ripple, or fold.

她的脸因年老而起了皱纹。Her face wrinkled with age.

他因年老而满脸皱纹。His face is seamed with age.

眉头一皱使他的前额出现很多皱纹。A frown creased his forehead.

她的皱纹随年龄增长而变深。Her wrinkles deepen with age.

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她的皱纹随着年龄增长而加深。Her wrinkles deepen with age.

把皱纹用熨斗熨平。Smooth wrinkles with an iron.

他笑了,脸上都是皱纹。His face crinkled into a grin.

他的脸因忧虑而生皱纹。His face was seamed with care.

埃达有一张布满皱纹、长得像猿猴的脸。Ada had a wrinkled, simian face.

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岁月在他的脸上刻印了很多皱纹。Age stamped his face with lines.

或者是,皱纹有所增加。Or there are additional wrinkles.

老水手满是皱纹的脸。The rugged face of the old sailor.

她的脸上布满了皱纹。Wrinkles have overspread her face.

她脸上的皱纹显出了她的年龄。The wrinkles on her face dated her.

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一丝皱纹划一道长恨!Each wrinkle is a sign of your hate.

当白雪盖住我们额头的皱纹And when our furrows snow shall cover

随着年龄增长,人开始长皱纹。As people age, they develop wrinkles.