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他们到底有多少异味需要处理?How many odors do they have exactly?

没有震动、没有异味、没有噪音。There's no vibration, no smell, no noise.

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这款酒有异味,我想它染上了木塞味。This wine is faulty. I think it's corked.

我走上台阶时,就闻到了你身上的异味。Could smell you as I was coming up the steps.

野鸡是我们很少能品尝到的异味美食。Pheasant is a rare delicacy we seldom can enjoy.

密封、干燥、低温、避光、防异味。Sealed, dry, microtherm , avoid light and smell.

我房间有异味,你能喷点空气清新剂吗?My room smells, can you spray some Air-freshener?

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他鼻子尖得很,有一点儿异味都闻得出来。He has a dog nose, which is sensitive to any of odor.

有人对我的饮料做了手脚,它喝起来有点异味。Someone's been getting at my drink,it tastes strange.

那猪死了四天了,异味把我熏晕了过去。The smell of four day-old dead pig caused me to faint.

怎檥使用香薰来消除宠物厕所的异味?。How can I use essential oil to remove the smell from animals?

它们的足感柔软舒适,而且即使在潮湿时也不会有任何异味。It feels soft underfoot and does not smell when it gets damp.

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那时候的冰箱一般像碗橱一样小,而且有点异味。They were usually small and cupboard-like. They smelled a bit.

抗菌肥皂杀死身体上导致异味的细菌。Antibacterial soaps kill the odor-causing bacteria on the body.

他闻了闻牛奶,说牛奶坏了,有异味了。He smelled the milk and said it smelled bad. It had a bad smell.

气味鉴定家的使命就是协助开发产品,消除异味。Odor judgers help to make the products that cover up awful odor.

吃口香糖可以清洁口腔、去除异味。To sweeten your oral cavity,you can have a piece of chewing gum.

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他鼻子尖得很,有一点儿异味都闻得出来。He has such a keen nose that he can smell out anything unnatural.

快速吸收,混合、净化异味,除菌、防辐射。Rapid absorption, mixing, cleaning odors, fungus, radiation protection.

把橘子皮放进冰箱里可以把异味吸掉。Put some orange peels in the refrigerator and they can absorb odd smell.