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那美人是酒鬼吗?Is the beauty a drunkard?

而且他曾经跟于美人约会过…And he used to date Oprah.

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李梅,亦名「大美人」。May Lee, aka , "The Beauty".

她是天下无双的美人儿。She is a beauty without peer.

求婚者,赢得美人归。The last suitor wins the maid.

那一张美人是小可爱!This love is unbreakble to Nico.

温柔的美人啊,千万千万莫再悲伤。Gentlest fair, mourn, mourn no moe.

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高飞也正和一个美人跳舞.Gofer is dancing with a belle, too.

没有时间回顾,美人儿的明眸。No time to turn at Beauty's glance.

英雄总是能赢得美人归吗?Does the Hero always "get the girl"?

她是一个标致的红发美人儿。She was a statuesque redheaded eyeful.

那个女招待长得不错,真是一个美人儿。That waitress is a looker, a real dish.

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啊,我的美人儿,我能为你效劳吗?Well, my Beauty, what can I do for you?

美人快要迟暮了,怎么办?。Beauty is about late evening, how to do?

睫毛真长啊!以后一定是个大美人!You must be logged in to post a comment.

这个美人使我见过的所有姑娘都相形见绌。The beauty effaced all girls I have seen.

经典的黑色电影蛇蝎美人形象。The classic film noir femme fatale image.

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美人松下黄莺叫。Orioles are singing under the beauty pine.

我们就叫他黑美人怎么样?What do you say to calling him Black Beauty?

当年若是够有钱,本会抱得美人归。Given enough money, I would have married her.