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我们可以慢慢了解真相,却不能拖延抗命。Understanding can wait, but obedience can't.

他做好了计划,准备为公民抗命坐牢。He plans on being arrested for civil disobedience.

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我最后一次检查,打破不公正的法律被称为公民抗命。Last time I checked, breaking unjust laws is called civil disobedience.

公民抗命,不管是暴力还是非暴力的,都是故意犯法。Civil disobedience, violent or non-violent, is intentional law breaking.

以后会有足够的时间去仔细考虑抗命的行为及其代价。There would be time enough later to dwell on acts of defiance and its cost.

上校抗命,反对调动,说调动无异于放逐。The colonel rebelled in protest over his transfer, saying it amounted to exile.

谭说自己实在没勇气看下去,钟离下不了手她在抗命。Tan said he didn t really read courage, clock her from under their disobedience.

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他具有强大的武器,从神的惭愧,例如和惩治他们的抗命。He has powerful arms from God for humbling such and punishing their disobedience.

当今,鞭笞抗命士兵或水手是不人道的惩罚。Nowadays, it is an inpeoplee punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers ofsailors.

并非所有防御学说都认可有合理的抗命解释存在。Not all defence doctrines recognize the existence of justifications of disobedience.

有另一个有效的方法来镇压那最为顽固,抗命不从的罪人。There is another efficacious method for subduing the most obstinate, contumacious sinner.

抗命的一切形式的会是指你将有很多麻烦,在您的业务。Disobedience in all its forms will denote that you will have much trouble in your business.

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当被问起他是否还将计划公民抗命运动时,黄先生说今后数年里并没有这个打算。When asked whether he is planning another civil disobedience movement, Mr Wong says not for a few years.

如果保安局封杀教会,我会行使公民抗命,他们可以拘捕我。But if the Security Bureau shuts down the church, then I would opt for civil disobedience and they can arrest me.

在92年采用的节水马桶和喷头的命令引起了数年后消费者的牢骚和抗命。Low-flush toilets and miserly showerheads mandated in 1992 produced years of consumer grumbling and disobedience.

可是皇帝的旨意不能违抗,倘若抗命不建晋阳宫,就给杨广有了除掉李家的借口。But the emperors will not disobey, if disobedience not built JinYang palace, give YangGuangYou away the lis excuse.

印度做了很多努力规划尼泊尔的和平,她默默的支持军方将领违宪抗命。India, which did much to engineer the peace, has quietly backed the army commander’s unconstitutional disobedience.

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这些事情带来神的忿怒在抗命的子女上,他们试图使巴力崇拜的异教习俗成为基督教。These things bring the wrath of God upon children of disobedience, who try to make pagan customs of Baal worship Christian.

进攻才刚开始,原本制定的战役计划就因为法兰克斯的抗命而偏离了轨道。The attack had only just started and it had already deviated from plan due to Francois' refusal to continue until his artillery arrived.

基尔加丹曾经发誓要让耐奥祖为他的抗命付出代价,于是他残忍地折磨着这位年老的萨满祭司,将他身上的肉一片片割了下来。Kil'jaeden, who had sworn to take vengeance on Ner'zhul for his prideful defiance, slowly tore the old shaman's body apart, piece by piece.