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这对双胞胎互相爱护。The twins love each other.

爱护动物,珍惜生命。Love animals, cherish life.

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女童军是爱护动物的。Scout is a friend to animals.

我们应该爱护动物。We should treat animals kindly.

我们应该如何爱护动物呢?How can you protect the animals?

那孪生兄弟互相爱护。The twin brothers love each other.

请爱护沟内一草一木。Please cherish the plants in the valley.

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我们应该爱护课桌椅。We must look after our desks and chairs.

然后让这个孩子要很好地爱护它。Ask the child to be “very careful” with it.

人们应该爱护动物,因为他们很好吃。One should love animals, they are so tasty.

上帝爱护那些勇敢的顶天立地的人。Be brave and upright that God may love them.

狗摇尾巴以报答人们的爱护。A dog reacts to kindness by wagging its tail.

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体谅关心爱护谦让。Appreciate the concern and care for humility.

美丽的上海我的家,让我们一起爱护它!Beautyful shanghai my home. I should love it.

爱护无刷毛帮助清洁指甲下。Cruelty-free bristles help clean under nails.

请您爱护书籍,谢谢合作。Please take good care of the book. Thank you.

我们应该爱护动物并关爱他人。We should love animals and care about others.

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请大家爱护及保护我们来之不易的飞行场地。Please take care of our hard-won space flight.

爱护动物与穿真皮服装是矛盾的吗?。The animal loves its young and cares for them.

如果真的喜欢它们,就应该爱护它们。If you really love them, take good care of them.