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这些地瓜皮给你拿去喂猪用。Take these sweet potato peels to feed the pigs.

记得一定要吃瓜皮,因为大部分瓜氨酸都在瓜皮里。Remember to eat the rind, since this is where most of the citrulline is found.

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刨冬瓜皮时,要彻底刨去瓜皮的绿色部份,这样做出来的冬瓜茸才幼滑。Make sure you completely remove all the winter melon's green skin to ensure a smooth soup.

本文研究了以西瓜皮为原料,提取果胶的工艺流程。This article discusses the technological process of pectin extraction from watermelon rinds.

瓜肉我吃,瓜皮和瓜子随可爱肉挑…大概就是这样了。And I eat the sarcocarp , Cute Meat has a alternative lunch of the pericarp or the melon seeds.

我又说了一遍我的提议,服务员过来收拾掉瓜皮和吃剩的色拉。I repeated my offer and the waiter came and removed the melon rinds and the remains of the salad.

耐贮耐运性好,瓜皮薄而韧,货架期长。Resistance to lay aside resistance of good luck, watermelon, thin and toughening shelf life long.

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个头大的、椭圆形或圆形的瓜,绿色的硬瓜皮,水分多的、红色的果肉,偶尔果肉微黄色。Large oblong or roundish melon with a hard green rind and sweet watery red or occasionally yellowish pulp.

日后又在瓜皮刻上字画,为孔府菜一道名馔。Later, the chef carve calligraphy and painting on the melon, and the dish becomes a famous Confucius Family dish.

我渐渐开始将一小块瓜皮去掉以便获得不同的颜色,然后再开始修整其他有瓜皮的部分。I gradually began removing small amounts of rind to get the different colour and then moved into shaping the skinned parts.

我记得那时我的打扮挺滑稽,穿著蓝布大褂,小坎肩,戴瓜皮小帽。I still remember how funny I looked the way I was dressed – in a blue cloth gown with a short sleeveless jacket over it and a skullcap on the head.

最简单的就是把吃剩的西瓜皮切成薄片,贴于面部有斑处,最后再用瓜皮轻轻按摩即可。The simplest is a watermelon skin that takes surplus slice, stick at facial place having spot, skin of final reoccupy melon is massaged gently can.

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详细阐述了以西瓜皮为原料,制作西瓜脯的加工理论、工艺操作要点及方法。This text recommended the melon skin as a raw material, expatiating in detail the watermelon skin candy process theories, craft operation important point and methods.

或者做一个凉拌瓜皮,将瓜皮切成细长小块,用少许盐拌腌二至三小时,沥水,加食醋、酱油、麻油等佐料伴食。Or make a salad rind, rind will cut into thin pieces, with a little salt and marinate for two to three hours, drain, add vinegar, soy sauce, sesame oil and other condiments with food.