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我没逞能,短信悉数告诉她实情。I didn't try to tell her the truth, sms.

祝您圣诞康乐,您的悉数学生敬上。A merry Chistmas from all of your students.

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他对悉数的穷人有一颗恻隐之心。He has sympattendinghy for ingl poor people.

所以,红帽建议用户悉数升级这些补丁。Users are advised to upgrade to these packages.

好吐出我的日子和习惯的悉数烟蒂?。To spit out all the butt-ends of my days and ways?

汉尼根,收费周游世界上悉数的港口。Hannigan, free tour to most of the ports in the world.

上汽依维柯红岩这次带来的车型,悉数是轻量化产品。Iveco Hongyan SAIC brought this model, all are lightweight products.

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在英格兰和威尔士高级状师在悉数法院都有辩护的权力。Barristers have right of audience in all courts in England and Wales.

第二天,她将赢钱悉数清拢,将一部分分给了街头一个乞丐。The next day she picked up her winnings, gave part to a man on the street.

不管中国作出怎样的巨大努力,都不可能将每件宝物悉数买回。No matter how hard China tries, it is impossible to buy back every treasure.

我愿意将我的毕业学袍按金悉数捐赠予「香港公开大学校友奖学基金」。I wish to donate my gown deposit to the OUHK Alumni Scholarship and Bursary Fund.

手术延迟悉数平常,在周末对于外伤病人更是如此。Delays in operations were commonplace, especially for trauma patients at weekends.

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当时最先进的机械设备,如挖掘机、卡车,悉数被应用于工程建设。The most modern equipment such as excavators and trucks was used during the works.

每天夜里,我把赚到的钱拿回家,悉数全给母亲,不拿一分一毫。Every night I took the cash home and gave it to my mother. I was never paid a dime.

不过最流行的习俗,照样赶在子夜钟响过去把悉数葡萄都吃失!For most, the goal is to swallow all the grapes before the last stroke of midnight.

一位病人乘了别人的船往捕鱼,船主以为,捕到的鱼应悉数回他。The owner of the boat thought he should be given all the fish that were caught. Dr.

2003年开馆典礼上,河北军区领导人悉数出席。Leading military officers from the Hebei region attended the opening ceremony in 2003.

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我把子弹悉数压进弹仓,在路面上找地方趴下,以便能瞄准一些。I shoved the cartridges into the magazine and lay down on the road to get a better aim.

种种型号的安悉数件可供遴选。有机房和无机房都有响应的实用型号。Different types of safety parts for your selection both for MRL and machine room elevators.

我在这里,每月只挪两角钱的零用,我自己又那里要用什么,悉数补在孩子底身上了。They give me twenty cents a month as pocket money here, but I spend every cent of it on my baby.