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比赛开始的时候形势大好,斯皮德以一记精彩的进球拔得头筹。It all started so promisingly when Speed scored a tremendous first goal.

最有意思的是,曾拔得百大性感男人头筹的好莱坞巨星布拉德·皮特也不幸入围了这一“最不性感男人榜”。Even actor Brad Pitt made the list, as the newspaper's 100th-least sexy man.

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那个小矬子,第八个,前面数第八个,他定会拔得头筹。That little sack of shit, eighth, eighth from the front. He'll be the first.

去年的竞争中福特起先对雪佛兰拔得头筹,因为后者被罢工所拖累。Last year Mr. Ford had a head start over Chevrolet, which was delayed by the tool &die strike.

德国男子埃尔马·魏瑟尔现年47岁,以驼鹿和挪威国旗造型获评委青睐,拔得头筹。German man Aiermawei Searle, 47, to moose, and Norwegian flag style favored by the judges, come out on top.

N11国中,韩国拨得头筹,得到7.4分,可与发达国家中最得分最高者相提并论。Of the next 11 countries, South Korea has a score of 7.4, the highest, a level consistent with the best of the developed world.

但是由于女性没有在数学方面拔得头筹就推断她们不擅长数学的这个理论,很让一些人嗤之以鼻。But they make some people bristle because of the inference that women don't rise to the top in math because they're not as good.

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它在教育科研上大量投入,并且“在帮助老师提升教学方法的研究中拔得头筹”,米勒说。It invests heavily in education research and “is at the forefront of doing research to help teachers teach better, ” Miller says.

有一个人,诚如你们已猜到,提出多重异议,而亚里士多德似乎再次拔得头筹。One can, of course, as you've already imagined, raise several objections to this view and again Aristotle seems to take the lead.

瑞典王子卡尔•菲利普在王室成员帅哥榜上拔得头筹,哈里王子和威廉王子分列第四、五位。Prince Carl Philip of Sweden came top among royal men, while Princes Harry and William took the fourth and fifth spots respectively.

麦克比斯利在热队周一对底特律的激烈首发竞争中拔得头筹。Michael Beasley has emerged from a crowded field and is poised to be in the starting lineup for Miami's preseason opener Monday at Detroit.

去年秋天,他在中国最大的网络社区天涯社区举行的最讨厌男性名人评选中连续第三年拔得头筹。Last fall, he was voted China’s most hated male celebrity for the third year in a row on Tianya, one of the country’s biggest online forums.

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所以,丰田看上去不酷,但却在实用性和耐用性上拔得头筹,久而久之也就在国外的市场竞争中占得上风。So TOYOTA looks like not cool, but achieve first position on practicality and durability, occupy big share in foreign market competition as time passes.

然而,众多外国电影中,由于英语的使用范围最广,因此英语电影在数量上占头筹。As a result, subtitle translation has drawn people's greater attention in recent years, and many translators are working on the movie subtitle translation.

象棋特级大师许银川携手队友洪智代表中国队出战,最终许银川以八胜一和的不败战绩拔得头筹。Chess grandmaster Hongzhi teammate Xu Yinchuan work on behalf of the Chinese team played the final eight-sheng Xu Yinchuan with the unbeaten record and a win.

由国际足球历史和数据联合会IFFHS公布的“史上最佳裁判排名”中,科里纳以显著的优势摘得头筹。An All-Time World Referee Ranking was made available by the statistics authority of the football world, the IFFHS, in which Collina led by a significant margin.

外国企业受到的合资和技术转让的要求导致本土企业在高速铁路、电力汽车和可再生能源部分拔得头筹。Joint-venture and technology-transfer requirements on foreign companies promote national champions in high-speed rail, electric cars and renewable-energy sectors.

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所有母亲真正想要的,原来是希望孩子具有美好的品德,这些品德能让孩子在生活中拔得头筹,享受美好人生。All mothers really want, despite everything, is for their kids to have the qualities that would give them the best headstart in life, and help them lead good lives.

这种外交佯动上周让困境中的麻生太郎在抢先跨过巴拉克·奥巴马白宫门槛的比赛中拔得头筹。Such was the diplomatic feint that this week saw a beleaguered Taro Aso steal the prize in the scramble to be first across the threshold of Barack Obama's White House.

中国军队必须在演习中力把头筹,高度展现我国赫赫军威,给反华势力以震慑。The Chinese army must do the best you can the first prize in the exercise, unfolds our country Illustrious military might highly, frightens for the anti-Chinese influence.