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下临时导向基板到海底。Land the TGB to sea.

它并不以目标为导向。It wasn’t goal-oriented.

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任务导向型领导风格。Task-oriented leadership.

什么是结果导向的监测与评价?What Is Results-Based M&E?

它是真正以家庭为导向的。It's really family-oriented.

周遭变得愈加以消费为导向。It’s more consumer-oriented.

R代表着结果导向。R stands for results-oriented.

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你是目标导向型的人吗?。Are you a goal-oriented person ?

因为这完全是市场导向的。Because it is all market driven.

每一个困难都是目的导向的。Every problem is purpose-driven.

寻找行动导向的人。Look for action-oriented people.

保罗活出一个目的导向的人生。Paul lived a purpose-driven life.

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团队合作和良好的结果导向精神。E. Team-working and result-oriented.

结果导向和商业头脑。Result-oriented and business minded.

市场为导向的全新营销体系。New market-oriented marketing system.

第2个A是行动导向性。The second A stands for action-oriented.

把30“导管头座到永久导向架里。Set the 30" conductor head onto the PGB."

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媒体试图控制公众的舆论导向。The media tries to control public opinion.

勤奋努力,刻苦好学,结果导向。Hard worker, quick learner, result-oriented.

这个示范、导向作用的价值是巨大的。The value of demonstration and gide is huge.