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绿草萋萋,白雾迷离,有位佳人靠水而居。A green gown, the fog blurred, a beauty on the water.

长信梨花暗欲栖,应门上籥草萋萋。For a long letter pear dark habitat, should the door Yue luxuriant grass.

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蒹葭萋萋,白露未曦。所谓伊人,在水之湄。Jianjia luxuriant, Bailu not Xi. The so-called Iraqi people in the Mekong water.

我希望那儿有座芳草萋萋的小山,这样我就能像大学宣传册封面上的那些年轻人一样,在草丘上快乐嬉戏。I wanted a nice grassy hill where I could frolic happily like the kids on the front pages of college brochures.

落日时分我解鞍驻马在芳草萋萋的河岸,虽有花枝却无人佩戴,虽有美酒却无人劝酒把盏,纵然醉了也无人照管。The solution of saddle grass bank. The flower is no one to wear, the wine is no one to persuade, and no one is drunk.

这些之前的村落留下的唯一标志就是那些荒草萋萋的土包,上面还插着黄色的三角形辐射危险标志。The only indications of those former villages today are grassy barrows topped with yellow, triangular radiation-hazard signs.

作者有时走过的就像是绿草萋萋的牧场,而有时跋涉的倒是昏暗昏灰的荒野。The author will sometimes passed like grass growing up pasture, and sometimes arduous was dark faint the ashes of the wasteland.

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西森怀着极其复杂的感情,看着梅花撒落在绚丽多彩的萋萋樱草上。With tangled emotions, Syson noted the plum blossom falling on the profuse, colored primroses, which he himself had brought here and set.

西森怀着极其复杂的感情,看着梅花散落在他亲自移植过来的绚丽多彩的萋萋樱草上。With tangled emotions, Syson noted the plum blossom falling on the profuse, coloured primroses, which he himself had brought here and set.

这16层高的公寓项目位于雅加达南部地区克芒区,周围树木林立,芳草萋萋。This 16 storey apartment project is located in Kemang area in South Jakarta, an established neighborhood famous for its collection of mature trees and vast greeneries.