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他在称赞中溺死了“。He drowned in the ovation.

他决定把这畜生溺死。He decided to drown the animal.

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他想知道她是否已经溺死了。He wonders whether she has drowned.

快溺死的人连一根稻草也要抓。A drowning man will clutch at a straw.

被寂寞溺死的爱情,成了泪海中的浮尸。Is lonely drowned love into tears in india.

汤姆在海里乱扑腾,设法不被溺死。Tom beat about in the sea,trying not to drown.

利西达斯溺死于大海,他的遗骸已经找不到了。Lycidas was drowned. His remains are unrecoverable.

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这意味着即使是洗个澡也可能溺死你的孩子。This means that a bath could cause your child to drown.

如果有人在他旁边,或许他就不会溺死。I someone had been with him, he might not have been drowned.

溺死是指淹没于液体之中发生的死亡。Background Drowning is defined as death due to submersion in liquid.

其他的受害者有的被溺死、被斩首、被焚烧或者被从高外摔下来。Other victims were drowned, beheaded, burned or dropped from heights.

信天翁总是被延绳钓的诱饵所吸引,从而被布满诱饵的绳子缠绕溺死。The albatrosses try to eat the bait and get dragged down and drowned.

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Jack并不会水,也有从碎石上滑倒而坠湖溺死的可能吗?Jack couldn't swim. He could have slipped on the gravel and fallen in?

接下来,船长送那个已经半溺死的人到甲板下面去看医生。NeXt, the Captain took the half-drowned man below deck to see the doctor.

这会引起抽搐和意识丧失在水下溺死。This can cause convulsions and loss of consciousness underwater with drowning.

如果我们输掉战争,他们就会被绞死,被砍头,被溺死或者被五马分尸。Had we lost the war, they would have been hanged, beheaded, drown and quartered.

她毫不犹豫地跳进河里去救快要溺死的女孩。Without a moments hesitation, she jumped into the river to save the drowning girl.

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干型溺死会在吸入少量水后24小时内发生。Dry drowning can occur up to 24 hours after even a small amount of water invades the lungs.

跳下去的人能够溺死,被鲨鱼袭击或许冻死。Chances are that the people who go overboard will die- from drowning, shark attack, or the cold.

拉布可称,他15岁的时候,曾看到过一个两岁的孩子被溺死在河里。Labuko says that when he was 15 years old, he saw a two-year-old child being drowned in a river.