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碌碌无为是庸人所为,奋发图强是智者之举。As for the wave is mediocre, and hard work is wise move.

若是碌碌无为,那么,青春将会随着时间悄悄地溜走。Otherwise, if we do nothing allday , youth will slip away with time.

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忧虑不同于其他的问题在于,它会让你终日碌碌无为。The problem with worry, among others, is that it steals everyday moments.

结果很多人一生碌碌无为,没有真正的目标。As a result, many people live a mediocre life without living for a true purpose.

心无所托的人生最终结果也只能是碌碌无为、暗淡无光。Heart care for life, nothing to the final result can only be a mediocrity, grim.

有的人呼吸空气只为碌碌无为地膰生活着,或是在懊悔中度过余生。Some people use the air to sustain them while they sit around and feel sorry for themselves.

因此,如今总统不再可能与一位碌碌无为的副总统共事。As a result, it has become difficult for the president to get by with a useless vice president.

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当你回首往事时不引虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞耻!When you look back without regrets for wasted years cited, not because of mediocrity and shame!

我赤裸裸来到这人间难不成还要赤裸裸回去吗?像碌碌无为岂不虚度光阴?I came to this earth naked, Nanbu Cheng also naked back? Mediocrity like this, would not live artificially?

当我进入到人们通常认为的老年时,我为自己一生的碌碌无为而愧疚,因而又想起了乘筏漂流大西洋。When I reached what others call old age, I resented doing nothing and thought once more of Atlantic rafting.

篇首语----在圣安东尼奥首场比赛中碌碌无为后,加索尔和奥多姆成为了第四场比赛胜负的关键。After struggling in first game in San Antonio, Pau Gasol and Lamar Odom contribute mightily to Game 4 victory.

然后是公布一批政府部门的富人名单,把这班碌碌无为的官僚曝光。Then the public-sector rich lists were published – highlighting a class of bureaucrats that had lost all perspective.

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罗宾·麦凯写道,碌碌无为又一年后,气候变化必须再次成为我们的首要关注问题,任何的怀疑论调都必须靠边站。After a wasted year, writes Robin McKie, climate change must again be our priority and the skeptics must be sidelined.

见证着周边的幸福和成就,唏嘘着自己的平凡和碌碌无为,不知道自己的理想是什么?Witness the happiness and success around, feel sad with own ordinariness and mediocrity, do not know what is the ideal?

但是,把危机归咎于危机本身,甚至把主要责任推卸在碌碌无为的风险管理这和狂热激进的quants身上就显得太简单了。It would, though, be simplistic to blame the crisis solely, or even mainly, on sloppy risk managers or wild-eyed quants.

错失这个机会后,希腊队在上半场碌碌无为。五分钟后,韩国队取得领先。The missed opportunity was Greece's only significant effort in the half as South Korea took the lead five minutes later.

并且受灾城市的市长没有一个像新奥尔兰市长雷•纳金那样歇斯底里、碌碌无为。It also helps that none of the mayors of fire-affected towns is as hysterical and ineffective as New Orleans's Ray Nagin.

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在工作上,他们完全没有主人翁精神,而是觉得他们的经理亏欠了他们,结果变得碌碌无为。Instead of taking total ownership of their job, they feel that their managers owe them. As a result, they become ineffectual.

那些一生碌碌无为的人,他们不经历挫折和坎坷,平平淡淡地过一生,什么也没有留下。Life of mediocrity that people who do not experience setbacks and ups and downs, flat faint to over a lifetime, nothing left.

归根结底,巴拉克·奥巴马不应该听信某些人的恐吓,否则的话,他会成为一位碌碌无为的总统。The bottom line, then, is that Barack Obama shouldn't listen to the people trying to scare him into being a do-nothing president.