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剽窃节约时间。Plagiarism saves time.

什么构成了生物剽窃?What counts as biopiracy?

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剽窃没有借口。No excuses for plagiarism.

他时常剽窃别人的见解。He often appropriates other's ideas.

剽窃用户界面在中国允许吗?Is plagiarizing UI admitted in China?

这是一个无耻的剽窃行为。It is a shameless piece of plagiarism.

这些诗句是从渥兹华斯那剽窃来的。These lines are lifted from Wordsworth.

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使时光的剽窃到处遭人齿冷。And make time's spoils despised everywhere.

他从那本小说里剽窃了几段文字。He lifted several passages from that novel.

她剽窃我的主意来编书。She expropriated my ideas for her own book.

金惠公司否认有任何剽窃行为。Jinhui has denied stealing any of the software.

这个学生从这篇文章中剽窃了一段文字。The student lifted a passage from this article.

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根本没有剽窃米歇尔的演讲。There's no cribbing of Michelle Obama's speech.

韩国人在大学里没几个不作弊和剽窃。Koreans all cheat and plagiarize in universities.

剽窃者突然出现,并出手攻击正版。Plagiarist showed up suddenly, attacking Genuine.

他们会说是剽窃,或说是事出偶然。They'll say it's stol'n, or else it was by chance.

他只是不知廉耻地剽窃他人的创意。He just shamelessly ripped off other people’s ideas.

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另一些人则试图证明他们没有剽窃。Others can try to show that they did not plagiarize.

剽窃者进行这种行为的原因很简单。The reason why decompiler behaves like this is simple.

在他的作品中,他成段剽窃他前辈的成果。In his writings , he borrowed passages from his elders.