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第一章主要介绍了行政诉讼法学方法论转变的必要性。The first chapter introduces shifty necessity of the administrative procedure legal methodology.

因此,重构行政诉讼法受案范围势在必行。Therefore, the reconstruction of scope of accepting cases of administrative litigation is imperative.

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行政诉讼法关于“诉的利益”限定标准过于严格,不利于发挥行政诉讼的作用,对此必须进行改革。The current demarcating criterion to the litigant advantage is excessively strict and should meet some change.

比较美国的做法,我们应该对我国行政诉讼法“不适用调解”原则进行反思。Compared with this, we should reflect the principle of "non-mediation" in our country's administrative procedural law.

因此,在理论上厘定和梳理行政诉讼法的法官释明权体现出一定的急迫性。It therefore has its theoretical significance in its urgent application in reconstructing the Administrative Procedural Law.

法官释明权是诉讼法学的一个重要问题,在行政诉讼法学界却没有得到应有的重视。The system of Aufkaungsrecht, a big issue in Procedural Law as it is, receives little attention as it deserves in the area of Administrative Procedure.

新司法解释的属人因素及属事因素上都对行政诉讼原告资格作出了限制性规定,有些规定甚至是对行政诉讼法的倒退。However, its limitation is obvious. Either the human-related factor or the event-related factor is limited, and some regulations are even retrogressive.

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诉之利益理论是诉讼法学的一个基本理论,但在我国行政诉讼法学界没有得到应有的重视。The interest of action is a basic theory of procedure law, but the due attention hasn t been paid attention to it in administrative procedure law circle.

文章对我国现行行政诉讼法受案范围的确立、历史发展及确立模式进行详细的理论分析。This paper analyze the scope of the current establishment of patterns, historical development and establish mode of China's Administrative Procedure Law.

按照行政诉讼法级别管辖的规定,我国绝大多数的行政案件都由基层人民法院管辖。According to China's administrative litigation level of jurisdiction, the grass-roots people's courts jurisdict the vast majority of Administrative cases.

但这些讨论多是在行政诉讼法原有框架内对受案范围的修正,都是不够完善的。But these discussions are not perfect because most of them are only amendment of the scope of accepting cases under the structure of administrative litigation.

禁止不利益变更原则是各国刑事诉讼法、民事诉讼法、行政诉讼法共有的原则。The Principle of the Prohibiting Alteration for Interests is the common principle in the criminal procedure law, civil procedure law and the administrative procedure law.

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在未来的公益诉讼制度建立中,我国应在民事诉讼法、行政诉讼法中,将社会公共利益的保护明列于相关法条之中。In the future public lawsuit system establishment, public interest protection should be clearly listed in both the civil procedure law and the administrative procedure law.

行政行为的可诉性是指行政行为的可受司法审查性,是行政诉讼法学中的一个基本理论问题。The justiciability of administrative behavior means the administrative behaviors can be reviewed by judicatory, and it is a basic theory question in administrative procedure law.

然而长期以来管辖权异议似乎只是民事诉讼法学领域的问题,在行政诉讼法领域鲜有人提及。However, in long period of time, long-standing jurisdiction objection is only mentioned by Scholars of civil Procedure Law, Few people of administrative litigation has Discussed it.

检察机关有权对行政行为和行政诉讼实行法律监督,这是我国宪法和行政诉讼法确立的基本原则。Procurators are entitled to supervise administrative behavior and administrative litigation. This is the base principle established by the Constitution and Administrative Litigation Act.

主要从法理学、宪法学、行政法学、行政诉讼法学几个方面阐释了行政不作为救济的理论基础。Mainly from jurisprudence, constitutional theory, administrative law science, administrative litigation law science explains to administrative nonfeasance litigation theoretical foundation.

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行政诉讼目的决定着行政诉讼法的具体制度安排,决定着行政诉讼司法实践的风格。The administrative proceedings goal was deciding the administrative procedural law's concrete institutional arrangements, are deciding the administrative proceedings judicature practice style.

在行政诉讼法学领域,对行政诉讼类型的研究是一个长期被忽视的问题,类型理论的运用就更为少见。In the field of law science of administrative litigation, the study on the administrative litigation type is a question ignored for a long time, and the application of the type theory is rarer.

这一原则直接体现在我国民事诉讼法和行政诉讼法的规定中,新颁布的侵权责任法也将有权起诉的原告限定在了被侵权人。This principle manifested in our civil procedure law and administrative procedure law. Tort liability law provides that the standing will be entitled to the person who has been infringed directly.