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陈规陋习妨碍生产的发展。Outdated conventions and bad customs hamper the growth of production.

我们要抛弃陈规陋习以跟上新时代的步伐。We should abandon all outmoded conventions and customs to keep pace with new era.

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直到最近,正规教育因袭的仍然是一?套拒绝接受这种学习模式的陈规陋习。Up until recently, the history of formal education has been a series rejections of this learning model.

我们还要有多久坐在走廊中,实行这些无聊的陈规陋习,弄得任何工作都荒诞不堪,还要有多久呢?How long shall we sit in our porticoes practising idle and musty virtues, which any work would make impertinent?

这些陈规陋习在我们与各国人民追求的未来之间筑起一道道墙,现在是拆除这些墙的时候了。They build up walls between us and the future that our people seek, and the time has come for those walls to come down.

以冗长演说妨碍议程固然是陈规陋习,用来拖延和阻挡参议院对议案进行辩论或表决。Filibusters, of course, are the age-old procedural obstacles used to slow down or stop the Senate from debating and voting.

以冗长演说妨碍议程固然是陈规陋习,用来拖延和阻挡参议院对议案进行辩论或表决。Filibusters , of course, are the age-old procedural obstacles used to slow down or stop the Senate from debating and voting.

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陈规陋习和愚昧落后观念,形成健康向上的价值观念、道德规范、文化舆论和社会风尚。At the same time, healthy values, moral standards, good public opinions on culture and social practices are to be encouraged.

请谈谈对当地风俗的看法。哪些是优良传统,值得继承?哪些是陈规陋习,可以怎样改变?Please say something about local folk custom. Which is good tradition for inheriting? Which is outmoded customs and habits, how to change?

我们革除了陈规陋习,这就是为什么比起任何持激进观点的人来,政府目前更怕我们。We got rid of all those traditional that is why Governments in the present day are more afraid of us than they were of any of the Radical people.

阻挠议事固然是妨碍议程的陈规陋习,它们延缓或阻止参议院参与辩论和表决。Filibusters , of course, in are the age-old of procedure procedural obstacles used to slow down and or stop the Senate from debating in and voting.

我的政府将把那些陈规陋习一一取缔,而代之以一个透明的、会计职责明确的华尔街。The McCain-Palin administration will replace an outdated, patchwork quilt of regulatory oversight and bring transparency and accountability to Wall Street.

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我们中国人总是认为自己站在道德的制高点上,而有很多很多愚蠢的陈规陋习,就像过去婚姻都必须要父母包办安排一样。We chineses are often filled with senses of self righteousness and silly principle that we set for ourselves, like in the olden days that Marriage has to be arranged by Parents.

针对外国人的排外袭击是“不适宜”和“原始”的陈规陋习,非洲散居论坛主席,科特迪瓦人马尔坎·巴甫表示。Xenophobic attacks against foreigners are based on “misplaced” and “primitive” stereotypes, says Marc Gbaffou, an Ivoirian national and president of African Diaspora Forum, an advocacy group.

建议从立法、宣传及爱护资源等方面来改变人们的陈规陋习和加强对成都市大气环境的保护。This paper suggests that it is necessary to change people's out-of -date customs and strengthen protection of urban atmosphere environment through legislation, propaganda and resource protection.