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我们正在污染水资源。We are polluting the water.

但水资源战争似乎不大可能。But a water war seems unlikely.

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水资源综合管理需要怎样的改变?What change is required in WRM ?

水资源具有可再生性。Water resources has renewability.

邱县水资源较为丰富。Qiuxian more abundant water resources.

只有一件事让我担心,那就是水资源问题。The only thing I worry about is water.

本区水资源匮乏,地下水超采严重。Water resources in the area are deficient.

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水资源资产是一种特殊的资源性资产。The water assets is a special resource asset.

但到目前为止还没有真正的水资源战争。But so far there have been no true water wars.

人们正在消耗越来越多的水资源。People are using more and more water resources.

水资源共享可带来中东的和平。Water-sharing can bring peace to the Middle East.

莱索托出口水资源和人口,出口地都是南非。It exports water and people, both to South Africa.

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贵州政府正在研究措施保护茅台水资源。Guizhou mulls rules to protect Moutai water source.

水资源战争?缺水,能源短缺,中国引起恐慌。Water wars? Thirsty, energy-short China stirs fear.

艾娜·波松,亚洲水资源项目负责人。Ina Pozon is the director of the Asia Water Project.

水资源三水转化模型可用于估算水资源量。The model is available for estimate water resources.

但是我们应该如何保护和利用水资源?But how should we protect and re-use water resources?

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枯水期水资源仅占全年水资源量的18。Water resources of low water period is only about 18.

以下是亚洲水资源项目对该论题的概述。Here, the Asia Water Project summarises the arguments.

地皮、水资源、能源和运输费用也在节节增高。Land, water, energy and shipping costs are on the rise.